Faculty Position in Polymers and Composite Materials

Applicants must have an earned
PhD in Polymer Science, Chemical Engineering and Engineering or a related
field, with expertise in all areas of additive manufacturing, polymer
processing, other composites manufacturing, computer-aided design for polymer
composites manufacturing, composites, bio-based and biodegradable polymers and
polymer blends.

Faculty Position in Polymers and Composite Materials

34 post of Associate Professors and assistant professor in Engineering

Online applications are invited by
JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY; JODHPUR for the post of Associate Professors /
assistant professor in Engineering.
The online prescribed application form,
qualification, eligibility conditions and distributions to the post are
available on the university web-site- www.jnvu.edu.in.
The applicants are required to submit their online
application form on or before December20th, 2016.
The applicants should submit their application
through on-line along with the challan of Rs. 1000/- for General and OBC
category and Rs. 500/- for the candidates belonging to SC/ST and PH category
attached along with the online form. The payment so made is non-refundable.

34 post of Associate Professors and assistant professor in Engineering

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