Faculty posion: IISER Tirupati

Faculty posion: IISER Tirupati

U.S.-India Climate PhD Fellowship Program

U.S.-India Climate PhD Fellowship Program

USIEF: Fulbright-Nehru PhD Fellowships

USIEF: Fulbright-Nehru PhD Fellowships

USIEF: Fulbright-Nehru PhD Fellowships

USIEF: Fulbright-Nehru PhD Fellowships

DTU Physics: 2 PhD grants in Hydrogen Production

DTU Physics: 2 PhD grants in Hydrogen Production

Bioenergy: Postdoc position, Aalborg University

Bioenergy: Postdoc position, Aalborg University

IUSSTF: Training Program and Advanced Schools

IUSSTF: Training Program and Advanced Schools

NIT-Jamshedpur: Faculty position, India

NIT-Jamshedpur: Faculty position, India

GCE: 41 Faculty position in Science Engineering, India

GCE: 41 Faculty position in Science Engineering, India

NFP, Netherlands Fellowship Programmes-PhDs

NFP, Netherlands Fellowship Programmes-PhDs

Structural and Cell Biology; 2 Postdoc Positions, MPI

Structural and Cell Biology; 2 Postdoc Positions, MPI

ISS: 5 PhD fellowships in Development Studies

ISS: 5 PhD fellowships in Development Studies

NFP, Netherlands Fellowship Programmes-PhDs

NFP, Netherlands Fellowship Programmes-PhDs

EPSRC Doctoral Training Award, CASA, UK

EPSRC Doctoral Training Award, CASA, UK

Country Scholarship; Macquarie University, Australia

Country Scholarship; Macquarie University, Australia

33 MBA Programs: Europe, US, UK

33 MBA Programs: Europe, US, UK

Cell Biology: Postdoc, Institute of Cancer Research

Cell Biology: Postdoc, Institute of Cancer Research

RGIPT: M. Tech.|PhD program, Petroleum Technology

RGIPT: M. Tech.|PhD program, Petroleum Technology

PSCWB: 66 Assistant Professor Positions, India

PSCWB: 66 Assistant Professor Positions, India

IITM: Postdoc for women candidates, India

IITM: Postdoc for women candidates, India

IITM: Project Associte positions in CS, India

IITM: Project Associte positions in CS, India

Gübelin Research Scholarship in Gemmology, Switzerland

Gübelin Research Scholarship in Gemmology, Switzerland

UrFU Golden Scholarship Program, Russia

UrFU Golden Scholarship Program, Russia

IIASA Postdoctoral Research grants in Sustainable Applied Systems, Austria

IIASA Postdoctoral Research grants in Sustainable Applied Systems, Austria

Researcher grants – David Phillips Fellowships (DPF) by BBSRC, UK

Researcher grants – David Phillips Fellowships (DPF) by BBSRC, UK

Matsumae International Foundation: Postdoctoral Grants for non-Japanese nationals, Japan

Matsumae International Foundation: Postdoctoral Grants for non-Japanese nationals, Japan

EURAC Federal Scholar in Residence Program

EURAC Federal Scholar in Residence Program

Welcome trust: Postdoc Seed Awards, UK

Welcome trust: Postdoc Seed Awards, UK

MAB Young Scientists Award: UNSECO France

MAB Young Scientists Award: UNSECO France

JN Tata Endowment: Sclolarships for Higher studies

JN Tata Endowment: Sclolarships for Higher studies

CCMB-CSIR: Faculty / Scientist Positions, India

CCMB-CSIR: Faculty / Scientist Positions, India

JNCASR: Integrated Ph.D, Ph.D, M.S program

JNCASR: Integrated Ph.D, Ph.D, M.S program

JNCASR: Integrated Ph.D, Ph.D, M.S program

JNCASR: Integrated Ph.D, Ph.D, M.S program

5 one-year postdoctoral fellowships in 2016 Africa

5 one-year postdoctoral fellowships in 2016 Africa

SNS: 91 PhD scholarships, Italy

SNS: 91 PhD scholarships, Italy

EURIAS Postdoc Fellowship Program, Europe

EURIAS Postdoc Fellowship Program, Europe

Endeavour Scholarships: Study and Research, Australia

Endeavour Scholarships: Study and Research, Australia

Endeavour Scholarships: Study and Research, Australia

Endeavour Scholarships: Study and Research, Australia

Chemical Science Faculty & Visiting Scientists, India

Chemical Science Faculty & Visiting Scientists, India

MSPRF National Science Foundation, USA

MSPRF National Science Foundation, USA

Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry at UD USA

Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry at UD USA

J-PPAE, Agricultural Economics, PhD, Germany

J-PPAE, Agricultural Economics, PhD, Germany

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