Early advertisment for PhD Position at University of Groningen Neatherland

A PhD position of 4 years for a project to be performed jointly with the group of Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry of Chris Orvig at the University of British Columbia (UBC)and University of Groningen Neatherland
Basically, the student will spend the first and last year under at University of Groningen in Groningen and the two intermediate years in Vancouver. Most likely the project's main topic will be on the development of theranostic agents (synthesis and biological investigation) and should start around the end of this year.
Early advertisment for PhD Position at University of Groningen Neatherland

Faculty position at GITAM University

 GITAM University requires well accomplished academic professionals for the posts of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors for Visakhapatnam, Hyderabad and Bengaluru Campuses

Civil / Mechanical / Electrical / Industrial / Aeronautical / Biotechnology / Computer Science Information Technology / ECE / E&I / Engg. Chemistry / Physics / Engg. Mathematics / English
Bioinformatics / Biotechnology / Chemistry / Biochemistry / Electronics / Physics
Microbiology / Food Science & Technology

Faculty position at GITAM University

Position for Full Professor (W3) in Organic Chemistry

Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences. We are seeking qualified applicants for teaching and research in the area of organic chemistry. The starting date is 01.04.2014.
It is essential that the applicant is working on topical, future-directed projects, which complement the currently existing research areas at the institute. A modern synthetic focus is desired. The applicant must also be willing to participate in the interdisciplinary activities at RWTH Aachen University.
A Ph.D. degree is required; additionally, Habilitation (post-doctoral lecturing qualification), an exemplary record of research achievement as an assistant / an associate / a junior professor or university researcher and/or an outstanding career outside academia are highly desirable. Ability in and commitment to teaching are essential. German is not necessary to begin but will be expected as a teaching language within the first 5 years.

Position for Full Professor (W3) in Organic Chemistry

Application round for International Master’s Programmes now open

The application round for the University of Jyväskylä’s International Master’s Programmes is now open. Applications are submitted though University Admissions Finland service, administered by ten Finnish universities.
Application round ends on 19 December 2012, 15 January 2013 or 15 February 2013 depending on the programme. Studies start in September 2013.
There are 17 Master’s Programmes available in all faculties of the University. There are also new programmes, for example in the Faculty of Information Technology where one can explore web intelligence and service engineering. New programmes start also in education, ecology and evolutionary biology and cultural policy.
Everyone with a domestic or international Bachelor’s degree or a polytechnic degree from a relevant field can apply for the programmes. Duration of the programmes is two years and 120 ECTS credits. The language of all programmes is English.

Application round for International Master’s Programmes now open

Italy: Postdoc position in Energy Platform

The Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia with headquarters in Genova (Italy), Opening one 2year PostDoc associate position (renewable) in the Energy Platform of IIT CBN (Lecce, Italy) in the field of Organic and Hybrid optoelectronic devices.
Applications must be sent by e-mail to: giuseppe.gigli@iit.it not later than 10/05/2012 and must include curriculum vitae, list of publications, description of research experience and letters of recommendation. The ideal candidate should have a PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Material Science or Engineering with a background in the fabrication of Light Emitting Organic Devices, such as Microcavity/Photonic Crystal lasers, Organic Light Emitting Transistors (OLETs) and/or Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs.
In order to comply with the Italian law (art. 23 of Privacy Law of the Italian Legislative Decree n. 196/03), we have to kindly ask the candidate to give his/her consent to allow IIT to process his/her personal data.
We inform you that the information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of assessing your professional profile to meet the requirements of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia.

Italy: Postdoc position in Energy Platform

Italy: Postdoc associate positions in the area of polariton non-linear dynamics and quantum fluids

Opening two 2years (renewable) PostDoc associate positions in the Energy Platform of IIT CBN(Lecce, Italy) in the area of polariton non-linear dynamics and quantum fluids with organic and inorganic microcavities (position 1) and fabrication/study of organic polariton lasers (position 2).
The annual Gross-Salary is 35K euro.
Applications must be sent by e-mail to: giuseppe.gigli@iit.it not later than 15/02/2012 and must include curriculum vitae, list of publications, description of research experience and one letter of recommendation.
Position 1: The ideal candidate should have a PhD in Physics or Engineering with a background in optics and semiconductors science, preferably in the study of non-linear phenomena in inorganic or organic materials.
The researcher should work on the new facinating phenomena observed in polariton condensates by means of studying their fluid dynamics and quantum properties. During the stay he/she would interact strongly with other collegues working on the realisation of new structures and devices based on inorganic and organic/hybrid polaritons for revealing new physical properties and developing novel devices such as switchers and transistors based on polariton fluids.

Italy: Postdoc associate positions in the area of polariton non-linear dynamics and quantum fluids

France: Campaign 2013: post-doctoral positions

In 2013, Inria is offering many post-doctoral positions, each lasting about 16 months, for holders of a PhD or other doctorate.

The list of subjects, which may exceed the number of vacant positions, will be updated regularly.
You must have defended your thesis in 2012 or 2013. If you have not defended your thesis at the time of application, you must explicitly state the date on which you will do so, as well as the examining board.
The positions on offer concern the institute’s priority research areas. However, high-quality applications to work on non-priority subjects will also be considered.
Particular attention will be paid to French and international candidates who have studied their PhD abroad, but all high-quality applications will be carefully considered.
Nationality is not taken into consideration.
If you have done your PhD thesis at an Inria research centre, you may not apply to that centre.

France: Campaign 2013: post-doctoral positions

Italy: Team Leader in theoretical chemistry/physics for 5 year

One Team-Leader position in theoretical chemistry/physics is available at the Centre for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies (Lecce, Italy) of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. The position is 5 years long and could be renewed.
The position is available immediately.
The annual gross-salary is 50.000€, with an additional bonus (up to 20% of the annual salary) available each year depending on scientific results. Social insurance is subdivided between IIT and the worker (9,24% of the salary for worker and 18,48% of the salary for employer, according to the law actually in force).
Research topic: development and application of computational methods (based on Density-Functional Theory) for the electronic and optical properties of hybrid nanosystems (organic/inorganic interfaces and nanoparticles).
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in theoretical physics/chemistry or related subjects and postdoc experience of minimum 4 years.

Italy: Team Leader in theoretical chemistry/physics for 5 year

Faculty Positions Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur 2013

Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals for filling up the posts of Assistant Professors in various departments of the Institute. Online application process starts from 05/01/2013 and closes on 28/01/2013.
For details of open and reserved posts, department-wise number of posts vacant and other information like qualification, experience etc. visit 

Faculty Positions Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur 2013

Post-doctoral positions in Mathematics at Group of Mathematical Physics of the University of Lisbon (GFMUL) 2013

The Group of Mathematical Physics of the University of Lisbon (GFMUL) (http://gfm.cii.fc.ul.pt/) invites applications for two research post-doctoral positions in Mathematics within the scope of the Portuguese Science Foundation project Pest-OE/MAT/UI0208/2011. Positions may start from the 1st of May 2013, with the possibility of extension at the end of 2013 subject to budget approval. The salary is 1.495 euros/month (tax free).

Post-doctoral positions in Mathematics at Group of Mathematical Physics of the University of Lisbon (GFMUL) 2013

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