Italy PhD Position for International students

Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, offers research fellowships for international students to attend Doctoral Schools/International Courses at the University of Padova. During the 3-year doctoral programme, successful candidates will be offered full board and lodging.
Announcement of 15 PhD grants reserved to foreign students for the admission to the Doctoral Schools and to International Doctoral Courses (28th series) a.y. 2012/13 starting on 1 st January 2013 and ending on 31 st December 2015.
Eligibility:Applicants are required to meet the following criteria in order to be eligible:
1.     To have foreign (non-Italian) citizenship
2.     To have foreign (non-Italian) residence. Candidates must be in possession of this requirement within the deadline date
3.     To have a foreign (non-Italian) academic qualification acknowledged as equivalent to the Diploma di Laurea/ Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale (at least four years of full time university education). The acknowledgement of the equivalence of the academic degree will be done by the relevant body of the Doctoral School/International Course, for the sole purpose of this competition.
More details:
Italy PhD Position for International students

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