CASTLE consortium: 14 positions of Early Stage Researchers within a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN)

CASTLE consortium – (Marie Curie Initial Training Network) –invites applications for 14 full-time research vacancies for early stage researchers (ESR). Selected researchers are expected to undertake transnational mobility in order to implement an Individual Research Project (IRP) at one of the consortium partner institutions, as well as to participate in a joint network training programme.
Eligibility criteria
Nationality: Nationals from any country may apply.
Mobility: at the time of the recruitment, the researcher must not have resided or carried out
his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.), in the country of the chosen host institution for more than 12 months in the three years immediately prior to the date of the recruitment (01.01.2010 - 31.12.2012). Early Stage Researcher (ESR): researchers who, at the time of the recruitment, have not yet been awarded a doctorate degree and are in the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research careers, including the research training period that would entitle them to a doctorate. (Non-research work after acquiring a Master’s degree is not counted in the four years of the research career; certificates on the nature of tasks in non-research employment will be requested for shortlisted candidates.).  Each ESR position includes a planned PhD affiliation with a university, which can be negotiated,  including cases of an existing enrolment to a PhD programme.

CASTLE consortium: 14 positions of Early Stage Researchers within a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN)

African Humanities Research Fund ORISHA DPhil Scholarship

The African Studies Committee invites applications for the ORISHA Studentship for research in the Humanities in Africa from persons who will be registered as graduate students of the University from October 2013. Students may be registered in any of the following disciplines: African Studies, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Archaeology, Development Studies, History, Human Geography, Literature, Politics and International Relations, Religious Studies. Proposals must include a major focus on Africa.
Last Date    18 January 2013
Further enquiries    The  Administrator, African Studies Centre

African Humanities Research Fund ORISHA DPhil Scholarship

PhD positions Asymmetric catalysis chemistry: Italy

Two PhD positions (36 months) are available at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Milano in the frame of the Marie Curie action Initial Training Network – European Industrial Doctorate (ITN-EID) “Affordable Solutions for Asymmetric Reductions of Industrially Relevant Substrates” (REDUCTO) funded by the European Commission.
The two researchers, who will take part in the above project,  will be enrolled by the University of Milano (UMIL) in the Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Technologies (PhD Course of Chemical Sciences), granting a PhD degree at the end of three years. 
The two researchers will spend half of their time (18 months) at UMIL and half (18 months) at DSM Innovative Synthesis (Geleen, The Netherlands), the industrial partner of the project.  In particular, researcher-1 will spend the first 18 months at UMIL ( ) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Cesare Gennari ( ) and the following 18 months at DSM Innovative Synthesis ( ) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Johannes G. de Vries ( ), while researcher-2 will spend the first 18 months at DSM and the following 18 months at UMIL.

More Information:
PhD positions Asymmetric catalysis chemistry: Italy

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