Doctoral positions in materials science in Germany

  1. The International Max Planck School for Advanced Materials (IMPRS-AM) is a joint project of the Max Planck Institute for Metals Research, the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, and the University of Stuttgart.
  2. The research interests of the IMPRS-AM cover a broad spectrum from fundamental to performance-oriented chemistry, physics and materials science. The research activities will be focused on three areas: 1) Physics and Chemistry in Low Dimensions, 2) Interface Controlled Materials, and 3) Nano-biotechnology and Biomimetics Describing the whole range of research and the top notch facilities would exceed the scope of this advert.
  3. The IMPRS-AM is an exciting, interdisciplinary PhD program that will motivate young scholars to choose a career in research. The synthesis and preparation of novel compounds, the characterization of physical and structural properties, and theoretical descriptions are closely linked together.
  4. In addition to the structured program of scientific learning, a training program in complementary skills will be provided. Finally, the courses will be conducted in English, since the program is open to all nations.

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