Doctoral position in theoretical chemistry: Sweden

  1. The main subject of this PhD project is multi-configurational electron structure theory and methods.
  2. The application of multi-configurational methods to the study of enzymatic catalysis, photo chemical processes, luminescence and hydrogen gas storage is a part of the project.
  3. The application part of the project and their interpretation is of equal importance as compared to the method developments.
  4. A successful candidate should have a master of science in chemistry or physics. Limitations in the candidates CV with respect to chemistry, physics or mathematics will be compensated for through the individual study plan established after being accepted to the project. Knowledge in developments of algorithms, numerical methods and program development are key merits. In case two candidates are judged to be equal the quality of the master thesis will be of significance. The candidate should have good communication skills, excellent grades and developed abilities in written and spoken English.

Postdoctoral position in Materials Sciences/ Chemistry

  1. This project consists of developing new halogen-free flame retardants (HFFR) for different applications, with focus on:
    1. Understanding the combustion phenomena: mechanisms of flame formation, propagation and extinction and correlation with the FR additive and polymer matrix;
    2. The study of FR mechanisms and associated modelling;
    3. The study of new FR additives and the quantification of synergistic effectiveness in selected FR polymeric systems.
  2. Understanding and following research development within the field of the project by monitoring key scientific publications.
  3. Molecule design and synthesis support. Generation of kg-sample quantities to support customer evaluations.

NMR Technician position in SPAIN

  1. A Unit Technician position is avaliable at the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Unit of the Institut Català d'Investigació Química (ICIQ).
  2. Qualification:
    -BSc. or MSc. degree in Chemistry.
    -Excellent practical instrumental skills and attention to detail.
    -Good understanding and oral English.
    The following will be positively evaluated:
    -Good interpersonal and communication skills.
    -Experience in nuclear magnetic resonance.
    -Experience in the use of automated laboratory instruments.
  3. We offer:
    -A creative and professionally stimulating scientific environment.
    -The possibility to work with the latest technology in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance.
    -Competitive conditions in accordance with the applicant values.
    -Immediate incorporation.

Doctoral positions in coordination chemistry in Germany

  1. Doctoral position is available in chemistry in the field of nanosized chelators for electrochemistry of redox proteins
  2. Highly motivated applicants are encourage to apply with a strong background in organic or organometallic synthesis.
  3. Our research group is part of the Center for Electrochemical Sciences (CES) at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf.
  4. The research in our group is focused on the electron transfer between redox proteins and elec-trodes with applications in bioelectrocatalysis, bioelectronics, biosensors, biofuelcells, and nanobiotechnology.
  5. The present research project is based on the coordination properties of supramolecular chelators to achieve specific recognition and orientation of a redox enzyme on conducting surfaces. Hydrogenases will be used as the enzyme for applications in photohydro-gen production and biofuelcells.

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