Doctoral and postdoctoral grants 2010 open from FCT

  1. In accordance with the Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources, and taking into account the Research Grant Holder Statute, published by Law no. 40/2004 of August 18, the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) opens a call for funding of individual grants of the following types:
  2. Post Doctoral Grants (BPD) : These grants are intended for individuals who have already completed a doctoral degree, preferably within the last five years, for the purpose of carrying out advanced research in Portuguese or foreign scientific institutes of recognized merit.
  3. Doctoral Grants (BD): These grants target holders of a university degree who are accepted as doctoral students in a Portuguese or foreign university.
  4. The FCT calls particular attention to the recent changes in Articles 17, 19 and 20 of the Regulations, concerning the eligibility of foreign citizens’ applications.

Doctoral funding in Biopharmaceutics as medicinal products

1.      The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Copenhagen is pleased to announce that 8 PhD fellowships will be available from 1 July 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.
2.      Applications are invited for the three-year fellowship from candidates that hold or expect to hold a master’s degree in a field relevant to the following projects:
Micro-containers – an approach improve transmucosal delivery of peptides? Main supervisor: Associate Professor Anette Müllertz, Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry, phone +45 3533 6440 (email:
Insight into water in solid state biopharmaceutical drug products. Main supervisor: Professor Jukka Rantanen, Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry, phone +45 3533 6585 (email:
Modified protein and their interaction with commonly used pharmaceutical excipients. Main supervisor: Associate Professor Marco van de Weert, Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry, phone +45 3533 6186 (email:

Doctoral Positions at Vienna University of Technology, Vienna

1.      Two doctoral positions are available at The Department of Digital Architecture and Planning at Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria for year 2010-2013
2.      Positions are funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (
3.      Working language is English and International candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
4.      Research work will focus on the design, implementation, and validation of a space model server for ubiquitous computing and building automation applications.
5.      The ideal candidates are self-motivated team players who are interested pursuing their doctoral studies in an emerging, inter-disciplinary research area with high application potential.

Postdoctoral research and doctoral fellowship in south africa

  1. The University of Pretoria regards itself as a research intensive university. Hence, it is seeking candidates who will make a significant contribution to its research endeavour.
  2. As part of an initiative by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, the University of Pretoria has made funds available for two doctoral scholarships for students coming from Commonwealth Countries (excluding South African students). This scholarships will be known as the University of Pretoria Commonwealth Doctoral Scholarship , which will be awarded on a competitive basis.
  3. The University of Pretoria has established a reputation for academic excellence, particularly in relation to some of its major research activities. Information about these research activities can be obtained from the website of the University ( and from the 2008 Research report (

Doctoral position at Cranfield School of Management

  1. Cranfield School of Management and The Cranfield Trust is offering funding for a student to study for a full-time PhD under the title ‘Performance Management in the Third Sector’, starting in September 2010.
  2. The PhD will be supervised by Cranfield’s Centre for Business Performance, led by Professor Mike Bourne. The Centre for Business Performance specialises in the design, implementation, use and ongoing maintenance of performance measurement and management systems.
  3. Professor Mike Bourne said of the Third Sector PhD opportunity: “Performance Management is as critical in the third sector as it is in the commercial world. Performance measurement and impact reporting is of growing importance to non-profits and we are delighted to be working with The Cranfield Trust to offer the opportunity for a PhD student to undertake in depth research in this area.”

Fellowship in University of Malaysia for doctoral and master program

  1. Fellowship are available in International Masters in Regional Integration (Political Science), Small & Medium Enteprises (SMES), ASEAN Studies and Information Management.
  2. One year full-time programme facilitated by experienced and resourceful visiting professors from Europe, Asia and USA.
  3. This exclusive programme trains selected students with good first degree to reach full potential in academic achievement as well as promising career future and advancement. Full and partial scholarships are also offered to deserving students.
  4. University of Malaya (UM) is the oldest university in Malaysia, established in 1905 and has produced thousands of students who had succeeded in their chosen fields. UM, the pride of the nation has opened its doors to welcome students from all over the world to share and experience the quality education and cultural diversity & harmony in this blessed soil of Malaysia.

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