Postdoctoral position in radiology / radiopharmaceutical

  1. The University of Missouri-Columbia invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Radiology. The candidate will make important contributions in the area of radiopharmaceutical sciences in developing new targeting vectors that bind with high specificity to molecular entities that are uniquely or over-expressed on cancer cells.
  2. These targeting vectors will serve as the basis to develop radiolabeled cancer specific molecular imaging or therapeutic agents. The successful applicant will have a Ph.D. in chemistry, biochemistry, or a related field, and significant experience in radiopharmaceutical synthesis, biochemistry, and molecular biology.
  3. Candidates should possess excellent analytical and English communication skills.
  4. Candidates should send a curriculum vitae, a description of their research interests, and three letters of reference to: C. Jeffrey Smith, Associate Professor and Research Health Scientist, Department of Radiology, DC069.10, University of Missouri Healthcare, One Hospital Drive, Columbia, Missouri 65212; telephone 573-814-6000 extension 53683; fax 573-882-1663; e-mail:

Postdoctoral Research position in Materials Science

1.      POSITION AS POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP available at Centre for Materials Science, the inGAP centre of research-based innovation and the Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway. For more informations, see:,,
2.      The fellowship period is 2 years.
3.      The position is financed by the KOSK II programme of the Research Council of Norway on the project Quantum modelling studies of local coordination of T-atoms in Zeotype materials. The main objective of the project is to elucidate the mechanism(s) for diffusion of framework cations in zeotype materials.
4.      Fellowship (ref no 2010/3761)

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