Postdoctoral Scholarship in Portugal

  1. Area: Supervision and Control of Multivariate Processes, Chemometrics and Simulation
  2. The Research Centre for Chemical and Process Engineering of Forest Products, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra (CIEPQPF / FCT / UC) offers a Post-doctoral fellowship within the
    PTDC/EQU-ESI/108374/2008 project, entitled: "Developing an integrated framework for monitoring and control of industrial systems and biological
    complex using partial correlation methods and information theory" with the following characteristics: Recipients: PhD in Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and related areas.
  3. Venue of the Scholarship: Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology  University of Coimbra.

MSc and Graduate Research Fellowship in Portugal

  1. Area: Supervision and Control of Multivariate Processes, Chemometrics and Simulation
  2. The Research Centre for Chemical and Process Engineering of Forest Products, Faculty of Sciences  and Technology, University of Coimbra (CIEPQPF / FCT / UC), offers a scholarship under the Research PTDC/EQU-ESI/108597/2008 project, entitled:"Development of an integrated and unifying for monitoring multivariate and multiscale profiles" with the following characteristics:
    Recipients: Masters or Bachelors in Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and
    related areas.
  3. Venue of the Scholarship: Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology University of Coimbra.

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