Postdoctoral position in protein crystallography

  1. We are seeking a talented and highly motivated Postdoctoral Fellow to work within the Structural Biology Group on the structure and function of eukaryotic membrane proteins associated with human disease.
  2. A PhD degree in structural biology, molecular biology, chemistry or a related field and at least three years of post-doctoral experience in protein crystallography are required.
  3. Applicants with experience in cloning and expression of recombinant protein in bacterial, yeast or insect cell systems, large-scale protein purification, macromolecular crystallization and structure determination are preferred. Salary commensurate with experience.
  4. Please submit: Cover letter, CV with list of publications, and 3 references
  5. Person to contact: Gregory Hamann
  6. Email address:
    Phone number: 617-724-8839
    Fax number: 617-726-7491
  7. Massachusetts General Hospital-Harvard Medical School Affiliate
Start Date: June 1, 2010
Duration: 3 years

Recruitment of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs)

  1. Applications are invited for filling 14 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) fellowships for a period of 36 months in accordance with the terms of an EU FP7 Marie Curie ITN. The ESRs will develop a research project, pursuing a PhD degree at one of the POSTICK’s participating institutions either in Germany, Scotland, Spain, Czech Republic or France.
  2. Applicants should hold a strong university degree (Masters/diploma or equivalent) in a relevant subject (veterinary medicine, biology or related discipline) and satisfy the Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher eligibility criteria (i.e. a maximum of four years research experience at the time of selection) and must not be nationals of the country in which they propose to hold the fellowship (unless they have spent 3 out of the previous 4 years outside of that country). Furthermore, applicants must not have spent 12 months (over the past three years) in the country in which they propose to hold the fellowship and must have a very good working knowledge of English, as all POSTICK training events will be in English.

Research position in sustainable chemistry

  1. A one-year research position, starting 1st of April (extendable to one additional year) is available in the Chemistry Department in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, in the field of NMR applied to Green Chemistry.
  2. The position is in the framework of the financed project - Study of intermolecular interactions in alternative solvents: A NMR based contribution to sustainable chemistry – ref. PTDC/QUI-QUI/098892/2008 (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia project 3599 – Promover a Produção Cientifica, o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e a Constituição de Redes Temáticas)
  3. The use of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as solvents is crucial to the majority of chemical processes but due to the negative impact on the environment, a huge research effort has been directed towards finding alternatives, one of the most promising alternative media to VOCs are ionic liquids.
  4. Well-established rules and correlations for the behavior of molecular liquids cannot be transferred to ILs in a straightforward way and the peculiar features of molecular interactions between charged particles requires a careful rethinking of the basic concepts of solvation in these media. In order to build a consistent molecular based interpretation of the solvent properties of ILs, as has been done over the years for conventional solvents, both theoretical and physical-organic research have to be combined with an experimental technique that delivers structural information at the atomic level: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy.
  5. Objective
  6. To perform a comprehensive and systematic NMR study of IL structure and solute/solvent interactions using a protocol based on liquid and SS NMR.
  7. The research is centered in the use of NMR techniques in tandem with molecular modelling to study the physical chemistry of molecular interactions in ILs. The project will be perfomed in the Chemistry Department of FCT – Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Campus Caparica) (liquid NMR and HRMAS) and in the Chemistry Department of Universidade de Aveiro (SS NMR and HRMAS) On a first stage the properties of pure ILs will be studied. Interactions between cations and anions will be studied using liquid NMR, HRMAS NMR and solid-state NMR techniques: a) Multinuclear diffusion NMR experiments using the PGSE experiment in the liquid state or under HRMAS; b) NOESY and 1H, 19F-HOESY or 1H, 31P-HOESY experiments; c) Multinuclear T1 and T2 relaxation studies; d) SS NMR will be used with IL with a melting point higher than room temperature in order to compare the type of interactions detected in the solid state with those found on the liquid state.
  8. On a second stage, the methodology described before will be adapted to study the effect of co-solvents in the IL structure. These studies will be performed in parallel with the study of the solvation behavior of selected molecules with distinct functional groups. Researchers will have access to all equipments within the Portuguese NMR network (
  9. Scientific Supervision: Prof. Eurico J. Cabrita and Doutor Luís Mafra
  10. Requirements for the position are a master diploma (or related degree) in Chemistry, Physics, material science or related fields. Preference will be given to candidates with previous experience in NMR and/or research in the field of ionic liquids.
  11. Salary: 980 €/month
  12. Researchers will be contracted in full-time in accordance with the regulations for the advanced formation of human resources from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology FCT-MCTES  ( and the grants regulations from Fundação da FCT/UNL.
  13. Applicants should send: Detailed Curriculum Vitae, motivation letter and at least one letter of reference by email to Prof. Eurico Cabrita (
  14. Prof. Eurico J. Cabrita
Departamento de Química
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
2829-516 Caparica
Tel. (+351) 21 2948358
Application deadline: 9th March 2010
Selection criteria: Master thesis, previous research experience and achievements, and reference letters. Relevant candidates will be called for an interview.

Fellowship in Chemistry: Green chemistry and NMR 2010

  1. A one-year research position, starting 1st of April (extendable to one additional year) is available in the Chemistry Department in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, in the field of NMR applied to Green Chemistry.
  2. The position is in the framework of the financed project - Study of intermolecular interactions in alternative solvents: A NMR based contribution to sustainable chemistry – ref. PTDC/QUI-QUI/098892/2008 (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia project 3599 – Promover a Produção Cientifica, o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e a Constituição de Redes Temáticas)
  3. Motivation: The use of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as solvents is crucial to the majority of chemical processes but due to the negative impact on the environment, a huge research effort has been directed towards finding alternatives. One promising alternative media to VOCs is supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2).
  4. Although scCO2 has received much attention as a green alternative to conventional VOCs the solvent behaviour of CO2 is still not well understood on a microscopic level. A basic understanding of the solvent attributes of CO2 is extremely important for the prediction and design of CO2 soluble materials to expand the utilization of CO2 as a sustainable solvent, alternative to VOCs. In order to build a consistent molecular based interpretation of the solvent properties of scCO2, both theoretical and physical-organic research have to be combined with an experimental technique that delivers structural information at the atomic level: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy.
  5. To perform a comprehensive and systematic NMR study of solute/solvent interactions in scCO2 in order to rationalize the origin of “CO2-philic” effects
  6. Strategy And Methodology: The research is centered in the use of NMR techniques in tandem with molecular modelling to study the physical chemistry of molecular interactions in scCO2. The project will be perfomed in the Chemistry Department of FCT –Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Campus Caparica).
  7. On a first stage we will be focused on the study of simple model compounds containing specific functional groups. The specificity and relative quantification
  8. Objectives for this stage are:
  9. a) establishment of a NMR protocol for the identification and quantification of site specific interactions under high-pressure CO2 conditions, using model compounds;
  10. b) systematic study of the differences in hydrocarbon and perfluorocarbon interactions with CO2 On a latter stage, larger and more complex systems will be investigated. The methodology will be extended and adapted to study micelar salvation (solubilization) and particularly the formation and characterization of water-in- CO2 (W/C) micele systems.
  11. Researchers will have access to all equipments within the Portuguese NMR network (
  12. Scientific Supervision: Prof. Eurico J. Cabrita and Doutora Teresa Casimiro
  13. Requirements for the position are a master diploma (or related degree) in Chemistry, Physics, material science or related fields. Preference will be given to candidates with previous experience in NMR
  14. Salary: 980 €/month
  15. Researchers will be contracted in full-time in accordance with the regulations for the advanced formation of human resources from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology FCT-MCTES ( and the grants regulations from Fundação da FCT/UNL.
  16. Applicants should send: Detailed Curriculum Vitae, motivation letter and at least one letter of reference by email to Prof. Eurico Cabrita (

Prof. Eurico J. Cabrita
Departamento de Química
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
2829-516 Caparica
Tel. (+351) 21 2948358
Application deadline: 9th March 2010
Selection criteria: Master thesis, previous research experience and achievements, and reference letters. Relevant candidates will be called for an interview.

Post Doctoral Position in Bioinformatics


  1. A Post Doctoral position focused on the integration of -omics and literature data to perform microbial community analysis and generate hypotheses for manipulation of microbial populations to provide benefits. 
  2. The successful candidate will work with a high quality team of bioinformaticians and experimental biologists.
  3. Job Responsibilities: 
    Perform microbial community analysis based on next generation sequencing data 
    Annotate microbial genomes and perform comparative genomics to understand the key different among the genomes. 
    Interpret -omics data to come up with hypotheses. 
    Develop pipelines for data processing.
  4. To learn more about this career path, click here. 
    A PhD in biological sciences with strong computational skills or PhD in computer sciences, computational biology, bioinformatics, mathematics or statistics with extensive experiences working on biological problems is required.  Qualifications also include: 
    ·      Extensive experience working on microbial genome analysis including genome assembly, genome 
           annotation and metabolic network reconstruction. 
    ·      Extensive experience in comparative genomics to identify SNPs using next generation sequencing data. 
    ·      Extensive experience in interpreting -omics data. 
    ·      Excellent communication skills especially with experimental biologist. 
    ·      Extensive programming skills in C/C , Java, Perl or Python. 

PhD position in the general area of middleware for distributing and disseminating information in large-scale dynamic systems at University of Oslo

1.      The group of Networks and Distributed systems at the Informatics Department, University of Oslo has one available PhD position in the area of Middleware for Distribution and Dissemination.
2.      The deadline for applications is 31th March, 2010.
3.      The research will be carried out in collaboration with the Computer Systems group of VU University Amsterdam, in particular with the group headed by Maarten van Steen.
4.      PhD Project: The position is in the general area of middleware for distributing and disseminating information in large-scale dynamic systems.
5.      We are witnessing a dramatic increase in the use of data-centric distributed systems such as the dynamic Web, sensor networks, network-monitoring systems, and various publish-subscribe systems.
6.      The ubiquitous presence of such systems creates very large application networks that spread over large geographical areas and diverse intra- and inter-organizational domains.
7.      The visions of massive demand-driven data dissemination, intensive processing, and intelligent fusion in order to build dynamic knowledge bases that seemed infeasible just a few years ago are about to come true.
8.      However, the realization of this potential demands adequate support from middleware that could be used to deploy and support such systems. At this time, both COTS middleware software and even state-of-art research middleware lack the technological foundations to cope with the enormous volume of data, constantly changing underlying network connectivity, and dynamic system organization.
9.      Typically, numerous information transmitters produce continuous data flows as well as massive unpredictable bursts of data at geographically dispersed locations. This data needs to be rapidly processed, routed, and classified by the degree of criticality, and intelligently fused.
10.  A large number of potentially mobile clients can issue multiple concurrent queries of varying urgency, priority, and precision requirements. In order to build a system that is capable of handling such a demanding situation, there is a clear need to develop new middleware technologies for scalable, mobility, adaptive, and reliable handling of these high-volume dynamic information flows.
11.  We are seeking a student who is interested in designing, developing, and evaluating techniques that address these issues.
12.  Suitable Background and Requirements: Applicants must have a degree in Computer Science, or in a related study, with excellent results.
13.  They must also be able to demonstrate interest in scientific research. The ideal candidate for the position will have strong background in distributed computing.
14.  You may apply if you have not yet completed your degree, but expect to do so before the position starts.
15.  University of Oslo is an equal opportunity employer.
16.  Knowledge of Norwegian is not a prerequisite for application. English is our working language for research. The current PhD students and postdocs in our group are coming from more than 5 different countries.
17.  We expect the candidate to be internationally oriented and willing to do, for example, Summer internships abroad.
18.  Details about Employment: A PhD position is a regular job with social benefits and with salary starting from 353.000 NOK per year.
19.  The currently open positions are for three years with a possibility to apply for extending the time period to 4 years. A 4 year position means that 25% of the time will be for duties beyond the normal research and project work, such as teaching and supervision of master students.
20.  Host Institution and Environment: The University of Oslo is Norway's largest and oldest institution of higher education. Founded in 1811, today the University of Oslo has approx. 30,000 students and 4,600 employees. Four Nobel Prize winners indicate the quality of the research at the University. The Department of Informatics has been a home to a number of world-renown scientists, such as Turing Award recipients Prof. Dahl and Prof. Nygaard.
21.  The group of Networks and Distributed Systems offers a work environment that is well equipped with the newest hard- and software technology. The research group has tight bonds with Simula Research Laboratory. Furthermore, we have well established links to national and international research institutions. We conduct collaborative research projects that are funded by Norwegian research funds, and the European Community.
22.  The country, also known for its unique scenic beauty, has been ranked by the UN as having the highest standard of living in the world. Oslo is considered one of the sunniest places in Northern Europe, with summer temperatures averaging 21 degrees Celsius.
23.  Futher information can be found on this page .
24.  How to Apply:  Full application should include
a.       Your cover letter listing
    • specific research interests
    • the position that you are interested in
    • the following reference number: 2010/1777
    • Certificates for all University-level degrees.
    • A curriculum vitae including
    • Your name (given, family), data of birth, nationality, current address, phone number, and email address.
    • Your highest degree's name, educational institution, department, and the year of completion.
    • List of your higher education including the type of education, place, duration, and degree if applicable.
    • List of your employments including company/institution name and duration of the employment.
    • Your publication list.
  • Official grade sheets for all the courses taken at the University level. For applicants with any University-level education outside Norway: official description of the grading system.
  • Names and addresses of your references. To speed up processing, applicants themselves may ask their references to mail recommendation letters to the same address.
  • Copies of relevant work, e.g., dissertations, theses, or articles that you have authored or co-authored.
  • The following form.
    • The "plans for the PhD study" section can be left blank.
    • The "project description" section can be copied from the above description in this announcement.
    • Applications should be sent electronically, by e-mail to with a cc to Supporting material that cannot be sent in an electronic form (including the form in item 7) should be sent by regular mail addressed to The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Attn: Grete Andresen, University of Oslo, PO Box 1032 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo.

Inquiries for additional information should be sent to Associate Professor Roman Vitenberg,

PhD And Postdoctoral Positions in Hungary 2010


  1. Beginning with the academic year 2005 the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Hungary established a “scholarship pool” so as to encourage mobility in higher education and to provide opportunities for foreign citizens to widen their professional experience in Hungarian institutions of higher education.
  2. In the framework of the pool-system, the Hungarian Scholarship Board (hereinafter HSB) announces university and research scholarships for the academic year 2010/2011 and summer school scholarships for the summer 2010 respectively.
  3. The scholarship programme is open for citizens of those countries with the Hungarian Ministry of Education has agreed to a co-operation programme. In cases where the number of foreign scholarship holders is fixed, due to previously agreed upon programmes still in force in 2010, this will be taken into consideration by the HSB during the validity period of the co-operation programme when awarding future scholarships.
  4. The following scholarships are available in the Academic Year 2010/2011:
    A.─ semester/partial studies (3-10 months)
    B.─ postgraduate studies, research (3-21 days or 1-10 months)
    C.C/1─ full PhD programme (36 months),
    C/2─ partial PhD studies (12 months)
    D. ─ postdoctoral studies/research (1-10 months)
    E. ─ research stay (3-21 days or 1-10 months)
    F. ─ summer courses (1-4 weeks)

Postdoctoral Position at the University of Cincinnati


  1. Postdoctoral positions are available on NIH funded projects to control and understand cell cycle and cell motility using micro/nanotechnology (e.g. micropatterns, microfluidics) at the University of Cincinnati.
  2. Applicants should have a Ph.D or equivalent doctoral degree in Cell Biology, Chemistry, or Engineering. Experiences in cell culture, immunofluorescence staining, fluorescence microscopy, or microfabrication is desirable. Candidates must have a strong publication record.
  3. The College of Engineering at UC offers outstanding facilities and the new hire will have excellent opportunities for collaboration with our medical school and the Children’s Hospital.
  4. Appointment would be one or two years with renewals possible.
  5. Candidates can send their curriculum vitae with a short statement of research interests and the names of three referees to
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH, USA

Postgraduate Research Associate position for Nuclear Reactor Structural Materials Database Development

1.      The candidate will contribute to development of Gen IV Materials Handbook, an international structural materials database that provides a platform for more than 10 countries to share materials information for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems development.
2.      The work will be conducted in the area of structural materials for nuclear energy system applications to involve extensive technical review and approval, data analysis and processing, literature survey and information editing, and materials database construction and management. The project requires a background and interest in materials science and engineering, mechanics of materials, mechanical testing, and information technology and database development.
3.      A master’s degree is required with consideration also given to applicants with a Ph.D. The project duration is a minimum of 2 years with an evaluation of performance at the end of the first year to determine if the position will be extended. US permanent residency or citizenship may be required.
4.      Applicants cannot have received the most recent degree more than five years prior to the date of application and must complete all degree requirements before starting their appointment. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
5.      Questions regarding the position can be directed to Weiju Ren at Please include the requisition number and title when corresponding.
6.      Qualified applicants must apply online at All applicants will need to register before they can begin the online application. For complete instructions, on how to apply, please see the instructions at
7.      This appointment is offered through the ORNL Postgraduate Research Participation Program and is administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). The program is open to all qualified U.S. and non-U.S. citizens without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or disabled veteran.

Materials Science and Technology Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Postdoctoral position in Supramolecular Chemistry 2010

1.      A postdoctoral position in organic synthesis is available immediately in the Chemical Separations Group to support our research in supramolecular chemistry.
2.      The primary responsibility will be to perform synthesis and characterization of novel receptors for ion recognition and separation. In addition to traditional molecular hosts, our group is currently targeting less conventional ion receptors based on self-assembled cages and frameworks, guided by computer-aided design.
3.      Depending on his/her qualifications and research interests, the candidate will thus have the opportunity to contribute to various aspects of ongoing projects in the group, including ion binding measurements, self-assembly and crystal engineering studies, and extractive separations.
4.      A Ph.D. in Chemistry or closely related discipline is required. A strong background and demonstrated experience in synthesis and characterization of organic compounds are required.
5.      The candidate must be able to work independently and have good oral and written communication skills. Experience or knowledge in some of the following areas is a plus: analytical techniques for studying supramolecular associations (NMR and UV-VIS titrations, ESI-MS, X-ray diffraction, ITC, etc), extractive separations, crystallization techniques, and supramolecular chemistry/crystal engineering concepts.
6.      Applicants cannot have received the most recent degree more than five years prior to the date of application and must complete all degree requirements before starting their appointment. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
7.      Questions regarding the position can be directed to Radu Custelcean at Please include the requisition number and title when corresponding.
8.      How to Apply:
Qualified applicants must apply online at All applicants will need to register before they can begin the online application. For complete instructions, on how to apply, please see the instructions at
9.      This appointment is offered through the ORNL Postgraduate Research Participation Program and is administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). The program is open to all qualified U.S. and non-U.S. citizens without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or disabled veteran.
Chemical Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Ref: ORNL10-79-CSD

Microsoft Scholarship Program: Microsoft Corporation

  1. We’re making it easier for future computer scientists to excel in what they love to do.
  2. A Microsoft scholarship provides an advantage so you can pursue studies in computer science and related technical disciplines. You’ll join other scholarship recipients from the United States, Canada, and Mexico who share the passion for software and academic excellence. It all adds up to achieving your primary goal—to make a real difference in the software industry.
  3. Microsoft is offering four different types of technical scholarships for the 2010-2011 academic year to current undergraduate students: General Scholarships, Women's Scholarships, Minority Scholarships, and Scholarships for Students with Disabilities.
  4. Requirements
  5. Basics: If you’re interested in applying for the 2010-2011 academic year scholarships, make sure you postmark your application by February 1, 2010 in order for your application to be considered. Microsoft selects final candidates based on the following criteria:
· Eligibility
· Quality of application
· Displayed interest in the software industry
· Commitment to leadership
· Financial need
  1. Please check your e-mail on March 19, 2010, the day we notify all rewarded scholarship recipients. We will strive to contact all applicants about their status, however please note that due to the high number of scholarship applicants, we may only be able to contact candidates who were awarded scholarships.

  2. Diversity at Microsoft: We encourage student populations currently underrepresented in the field of computer science to pursue technical degrees. All candidates who meet the criteria for eligibility described below may certainly apply, while we do award a large majority of our student scholarships to women, minorities, and the disabled. Minority applicants must belong to one of the following groups underrepresented in the software field: African-American, Hispanic, or Native American.
  3. Provisions
    As a recipient of one of our scholarships, you’ll enjoy the benefits for one academic year. You may receive either a full or partial scholarship for the 2010-2011 academic year. Full tuition scholarships will cover tuition for the 2010-2011 academic year as posted by the financial aid office at your college or university. Microsoft will make payments to the designated school, and they’re not transferable to other academic institutions. You may use the funds for tuition only—not for other costs listed on your bursar bill, such as room and board.
  4. You’ll also need to apply for a summer internship and if offered an internship, you must complete the salaried summer internship of 12 weeks or more at Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, Washington. (Microsoft reserves the right not to offer an internship position to the scholarship winner if an appropriate match cannot be found.)
  5. How to Apply
You must include the following five items in your application:
  • Resume
  • Transcript
  • Answers to essay questions
  • Letter of referral
  • Printed Confirmation Page from Online Application to the Microsoft Internship Program

That’s really all there is, and no extra forms to fill out. Don’t forget to include your name on each page of your application packet.

Please send your completed application to:
Microsoft Scholarship Program
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-8303

Be sure your resume includes:
  • Your e-mail address
  • School address and phone number
  • Student ID number
  • Permanent address and phone number
  • Academic major
  • Expected graduation date

Essay Questions
Use one page total (not one page per question) to answer all four of the following questions:
  • Describe how you demonstrate your passion for technology outside the classroom.
  • Describe the toughest technical problem you've worked on, how you addressed the problem, your role in reaching the outcome if it was team-based, and the final outcome.
  • Describe a situation that demonstrates initiative and your willingness to go above and beyond.
  • Describe how you are currently funding your college education.

11. Letter of Referral
Enclose a letter of referral from a faculty member (professor or teaching assistant) or an academic adviser.
12. Printed Confirmation Page: Must have applied to a Microsoft 2010 Summer Internship. Please attach a printed copy of the Application Confirmation page, which can be accessed during the online application process. If you have already applied for a Microsoft Internship, please indicate this below your essay answers so we can verify your application status.
    1. For specific questions not answered on this page or in the FAQ section, please e-mail
More information:

Postdoctoral position at Wythenshawe Hospital Manchester

  1. Salary £29,000 (a higher salary is negotiable depending on previous experience) 29 days holiday
  2. 3 year fixed term contract
  3. The Medicines Evaluation Unit (MEU) performs clinical trials of novel drugs in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  
  4. These studies involve biomarkers from the airways and blood. The post-holder will be responsible for the development, validation and performance of these assays and ensuring high quality data.  A major part of this job is liaison with pharmaceutical sponsors. 
  5. There are opportunities to publish new assays and novel findings through links with Manchester University airway pharmacology group.
  6. A PhD and previous post-doctoral experience is essential for this job. Experience with flow cytometry is required.
  7. This post is suitable for an individual who wants to develop their management skills, while also being heavily involved in science. The post-holder will be supported by 3 technicians.
  8. The post will initially be a 3 year contract, with good possibilities of extension dependant on the success of projects.
  9. For informal enquiries, further information and application packs contact
  10. Toni Kukielka, Tel 0161 946 4057, email
  11. Closing Date for applications 7th March 2010.

PhD position in Advanced Materials

  1. A PhD scholarship in Engineering is now available at University College Dublin, Engineering & Materials Science Centre, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
  2. University College Dublin - European Space Agency & UCD (2010-2013)
  3. We are currently seeking applicants, from Ireland and across the European Union, interested in working with a European team to advance the state of scientific knowledge on alloy solidification, which is of great relevance to the success of manufacturing engineering components, via the casting process, for aerospace, automotive, and  biomedical engineering applications.
  4. The PhD project here relates to the ESA MAP (Microgravity Applications Promotion) project XRMON: "In-situ X-ray monitoring of advanced metallurgical processes under microgravity and terrestrial conditions".  We have partners in Norway, Germany, France & Belgium. Funding is from the ESA PRODEX programme.
  5. The focus will be on X-ray observation of equiaxed and columnar growth of dendrites during solidification of aluminium alloys.
  6. The PhD student at UCD will Assess existing experimental data on Al-Cu, Al-Ni and Al-Ge alloys systems Develop and implement new image analysis routines to process raw data from in-situ X-ray experiments
  7. Use image analysis to determine dendrite topological evolution during solidification, detachment from columnar dendrites, nucleation in bulk undercooled liquid, motion of equiaxed grains, solute field development, and impingement

PhD fellowship in Environmental Economics

1.      The Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group of the Department of Social Sciences of Wageningen University is conducting theoretical and applied research to provide solutions of environmental problems and to support sustainable use of natural resources.
2.      For a PhD research project on international agreements for biodiversity management we are looking for an:environmental economist (M/F)The aim of research is to examine the emerging markets for biodiversity conservation and to define the criteria and requirements for an institutional structure under which a global market for biodiversity can efficiently function.
3.      The study will result in a proposal for a potential structure for an international payment mechanism. The research will explicitly consider the emerging markets for carbon credits from REDD (Reduced Emissions from Degradation and Deforestation) and it will involve several months of fieldwork in Indonesia.The research is carried out in Wageningen, and should lead to a PhD dissertation.~
4.      Requirements: You have an academic background as an environmental or resource economist with a completed MSc degree of excellent quality; a strong interest and experience in economic modelling and natural resource economics; good communicative skills and willingness to work in a team and travel abroad for case study work.
5.      Candidates with an environmental sciences background with strong mathematical skills and a good understanding of economics will also be considered.

PhD Position in Physics

1.      The WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF is part of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL and thus of the ETH Domain. WSL focuses on the sustainable use and protection of landscapes and habitats, and a responsible approach to natural hazards. WSL employs approximately 500 people, of whom 130 work at SLF in Davos.
2.      The Research Unit Avalanches, Debris flows and Rockfalls investigates the formation, movement and deposition of these three complex geophysical processes. For the Italian – Swiss project “Climate adaptation strategies for natural hazard management – Investigations of frequent avalanches” (STRADA),
3.      You will perform field observations, laboratory and full-scale experiments to improve knowledge on snow entrainment and deposition processes in frequent snow avalanches, use theoretical methods to integrate this new knowledge into avalanche dynamics models, and publish your results in international scientific journals.
4.      Master or Diploma in engineering or physics; good knowledge of mathematics and programming in C/C++; good English writing skills; independent and scientific work style; experimental background as well as German knowledge are beneficial.

PhD position in Virology


1.      At our Institute of Veterinary Virology of the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, we are offering a PhD position on the topic of Pestiviral Erns: An RNase as a novel decoy receptor to evade the host’s innate immune system by manipulating self-nonself discrimination.

2.      Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is pestivirus in the family Flaviviridae. It is a close relative of hepatitis C virus (HCV), a pathogen causing persistent infection in at least 170 millions of humans. BVDV is probably one of the most widespread viral pathogens worldwide. BVD virus causes persistent infection (PI) in pregnant cows by invading the fetus early in gestation. The virus escapes the innate immune system by inhibiting interferon (IFN) type-I synthesis, which seems to be required to maintain the specific immunotolerance to the infecting viral strain.

3.      In this project, you will investigate the fundamental role of the viral RNase Erns in the evasion of innate immunity. Erns might be viewed as a novel type of virus-encoded, enzymatically active, decoy receptor that degrades extracellular viral RNA, thus preventing its recognition by toll-like receptors (TLRs) that signal the presence of “viral nonself” to the host. This elegant mechanism represents a most unusual “stealth” mechanism contributing to the evasion of the host innate immune response.

4.      The candidate should be a highly motivated individual with a Master’s degree (or equivalent) and good knowledge and working experience in cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology or a related field. Good knowledge of English (spoken and written) is essential.

5.      Application containing a letter of motivation, CV, copies of grades obtained during the BSc and MSc studies, detailed summary of research experiences, and contact details of 2-3 references should be sent to the address or mail below. Only those candidates will be considered for the position who are willing to visit the lab for a personal interview.

6.      Duration: 3-4 years according to the guidelines of the Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences ( ).

7.      Location:   Institute of Veterinary Virology, Länggass-Strasse 122, Bern (

8.      Start of Project:      As soon as possible

9.      Salary: PhD salary according to the guidelines of the Swiss National Science Foundation

10.  For additional details, please contact Matthias Schweizer at the address indicated below.

Dr. Matthias Schweizer
Institute of Veterinary Virology
University of Bern
Laenggass-Str. 122
P.O. Box 8466

CH-3001 Bern, Switzerland

Postdoctoral position in biology 2010


  1. The focus of my laboratory is understanding the molecular events important in pancreatic growth regulation and tumorigenesis.
  2. We have identified a subpopulation of cancer stem cells in human pancreatic cancer (Cancer Res, 2007).
  3. A postdoctoral position is now open for a project aimed at understanding the role of pancreatic cancer stem cells within the tumor using a variety of approaches in vitro and in vivo.
  4. The applicant is required to function in an independent fashion and be responsible of his/her own research project. In particular, he/she will be expected to be able to design experiments, initially under the guidance from the PI, conduct experiments, process and analyze data, and potentially develop new and/or revise research methodologies.
  5. In addition, the candidate will be expected to present his/her own work both at lab meetings as well as scientific conferences and to critically analyze literature relevant to the research.
  6. The successful candidate will be expected to be proficient at scientific writing, and be able to prepare research papers.
  7. While funding is currently available for the position, the candidate will be strongly encouraged to apply for his/her own funding, under the guidance from the PI.
  8. A doctoral degree and familiarity with basic laboratory techniques is required for this position.
  9. Previous experience in the field of cancer biology and/or stem cell biology a plus, but not required.
  10. Please submit CV, at least 3 references, and a short statement of research interests and expectations from postdoctoral training to:
    Stephanie Laurinec, e-mail:
    General Surgery
    1520 MSRB I
    1150 W. Medical Center Drive
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5666

  11. Department Qualifications:
    The candidate will be expected to be familiar with basic molecular and cell biology techniques. Additional expertise in stem cell biology and animal models is a plus. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are required.
  12. Expires on: April 21, 2010

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