Pos-doc in crystallographic: studies of protein-DNA complexes

1. A postdoctoral position will be open in January 2010 to conduct crystallographic studies of protein-DNA complexes.
2. Our laboratory studies structure and function of various DNA-processing enzymes primarily using x-ray crystallography.
3. Current research projects include retroviral integrases, tyrosine family of site-specific recombinases, and Holliday-junction resolvases. Successful candidate should have research experience (and Ph.D.) in biochemistry, biophysics, or similar disciplines.

4. Prior experience with x-ray crystallography or other structural biology techniques is preferred. The University of Minnesota at Twin Cities offers superb research environment with state of the art x-ray diffraction and robotic crystallization facilities.

5. Please submit: CV & contact info of 3 references
 Person to contact: Hideki Aihara
 Surface mail address: 6-155 Jackson Hall, 321 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455
Email address: aihar001@umn.edu
Phone number: 612-624-1491
Start Date: January, 2010
Duration: 2 years
Minneapolis, MN

Postdoctoral position in polymer membrane physics

1. A post-doctoral position is available at the Institut Curie, Paris, France, for a physicist or a physico-chemist to work on the mechanical properties of responsive polymersomes and on their use in cell biology.

2. The aim of this interdisciplinary work is to design new classes of sensitive polymer vesicles, to characterize their mechanical properties and responses upon stimulus application, using techniques such as micropipette aspiration and optical tweezers, and to investigate some potential applications in the field of drug delivery (in collaboration with biologists from the Institut Curie).

3. Position profile : Solid knowledge in microscopy techniques and membrane/polymer physics is required. Some knowledge of microfluidics, polymer chemistry or cell biology will be an advantage for the applicant.

4. The project is funded by the ANR (Agence nationale de la recherche).

5. For any question about this program, or to submit an application (CV and 2 letters of recommendation),

6. Please contact:
Dr. Pierre Nassoy,
“Physico-Chimie Curie” Institut Curie/UMR 168 CNRS/UPMC
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75231 Paris cedex 05, France
or by e-mail : pierre.nassoy@curie.fr

Goa Public service Commission, Faculty positions


1. Applications are invited by the Commission for the below mentioned posts under Government of Goa. For details of posts, Departments, Scale of pay, age and educational qualifications and experience kindly refer to Commission website http://goapsc.gov.in/

2. Candidates may download the application form from the same website to apply for the post separately. The last date for receipt of applications in the Commission is 06.10.2009.

3. Incomplete applications in any manner are liable to be rejected summarily by the Commission.

4. The age limit shown against each post is relaxable upto five years for Government servants and the candidates belonging to SC/ST, upto 3 years for candidates belonging to OBC, upto 10 years (15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC) in the upper age limit to blind, deaf-mute and orthopaedically handicapped persons and upto 5 years for children of freedom fighters.

5. In case of non-availability of suitable candidates with the knowledge of Konkani, this requirement may be relaxed in case of below mentioned posts.

7. Professor in Radiotherapy ……1 Post
Scale of Pay: Pay Band-4, Rs. 37,400-67,000+Grade Pay of Rs. 8,700/-
Age: Not exceeding 50 years

Assistant Professor in Radiotherapy ……. 1 Post
Scale of Pay: Pay Band-3, Rs. 15,600-39,100+Grade Pay of Rs. 6,600/-
Age: Not exceeding 45 years.

Principal .…… 1 Post
Scale of Pay: Rs. 37,400-67,000+Grade Pay Rs. 10,000/-
Age: Not exceeding 50 years.

Professor in Pharmaceutical Chemistry …… 1 Post
Scale of Pay: Rs. 16,400-450-20,900-500-22,400/-
Age: Not exceeding 50 years.

Professor in Pharmaceutical Analysis ……. 1 Post
Scale of Pay: Rs. 16,400-22,400/-

Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutical Analysis …… 1 Post
Scale of Pay: Rs. 12,000-420-18,300/-
Age: Not exceeding 45 years.

Director, Fire & Emergency Services ..… 1 Post
Scale of Pay: Rs. 15,600-39,100+Grade Pay Rs. 7600/-
Age: Not exceeding 50 years.

Assistant Professor in Architecture …... 1 Post
Scale of Pay: Rs. 12,000-420-18,300/-
Age: Not exceeding 45 years.

Professor in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering …… 1 Post
Scale of Pay: 16,400-450-22,900-500-22,400/-
Age: Not exceeding 50 years.

Professor in Information Technology …… 1 Post
Scale of Pay: 16,400-22,400/-
Age: Not exceeding 50 years.

Professor in Mechanical Engineering …… 2 Posts
Scale of Pay: 16,400-22,400/-
Age: Not exceeding 50 years.

KT&G Fellowship at GSIS, for Turkish, Iranian, Russian, Kazakhstani, Indonesian,

1. The KT&G Foundation offers scholarships to the Turkish, Iranian, Russian, Kazakhstani, Indonesian students who seek a master’s degree at the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) of Yonsei University.

2. Eligibility and Conditions

a. Degree: A Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent degree.

b. Age : No limit

c. Health: Applicants must be in both sound physical and mental health.

d. English Language Proficiency: Applicants must possess strong English language proficiency (Recommended score of TOEFL CBT 237 (IBT 93/PBT 580), IELTS 6.5 or above).

3. Arrival in Korea: Scholarship recipients must arrive in Korea by February 23, 2010 and must attend the new student orientation program on February 24, 2010 at Yonsei GSIS.

4. Application Period: All necessary documents must be submitted to the Yonsei GSIS office between September 1, 2009 to November 30, 2009. All original documents should arrive at the GSIS office by this date.

5. Application address:

a. Yun Jeong Choi

b. Graduate School of International Studies

c. Yonse University, New Millennium Hall 510

d. Sinchon-dong Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749

6. Republic of Korea: http://gsis.yonsei.ac.kr/

7. Terms of Fellowship: The scholarship covers a maximum of 24 months (2 years), from March 2010 to February 2012. Students must maintain a GPA of at least 3.0/ 4.3 every semester to maintain fellowship eligibility.

8. Scholarship Details

9. Tuition fee: The KT&G Foundation will provide tuition fee for Spring 2010 through Fall 2011 (up to 4 semesters).

10. Stipend: The KT&G Foundation will provide a monthly stipend of KRW 1,000,000(= USD 892) for up to 24 months.

11. For all documents concerning admission, please refer to the GSIS website: http://gsis.yonsei.ac.kr/ .

Postdoctoral fellows Molecular Biology

1. The European Molecular Biology Laboratory is an international research organization offering a highly collaborative, uniquely international culture. It fosters top quality, interdisciplinary research by promoting a vibrant environment consisting of young independent research groups with access to outstanding graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

2. The Scientific Programme of EMBL emphasises experimental analysis

at multiple levels of biological organisation, from the molecule to the organism, as well as Computational Biology.

3. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. In addition to exciting colleagues, the

laboratory provides excellent shared facilities for a variety of advanced experimental approaches. High-level expertise is also available in Computational Biology, diverse aspects of experimental

4. Molecular Biology as well as Physics, Biophysics, Chemical Biology and instrument development.

5. Group Leader: Cell Biology & Biophysics Heidelberg, Germany The Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit has developed an interdisciplinary approach to cell biology where physicists work closely together with cell biologists, biochemists,geneticists, developmental biologists, chemists and developers of advanced microscopy methods. As a result, the present constellation of groups covers a broad technological and conceptual field, ranging from classical cell biology to modelling and computer simulations as well as chemical biology.

6. The research focuses on understanding the principles underlying the self-organization and function of complex and dynamic cellular structures,such as the

nucleus, cytoskeleton and endomembrane system, in the context of single cells and developing embryos. We seek innovative candidates working on such morphogenetic events in living cells. We will consider outstanding candidates from any area of cell biology.

7. In addition, we would like to encourage applicants with a strong background in

physics and an interest in the development of light microscopy methods or in modelling approaches to address such problems.

8. An initial contract of 5 years will be offered to the successful candidate.

9. This can be renewed, depending on circumstances at the time of review.

10. Closing date: 18 October 2009

11. EMBL is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer offering attractive conditions and benefits appropriate to an international research organisation.

12. To apply, please email preferably as a single pdffile:

a. a cover letter, CV and a concise description of

b. research interests and future research plans,

c. quoting VN/09/076 in the subject line, to: application@embl.de

13. Please also arrange for 3 letters of recommendation to be emailed to: references@embl.de

14. Further information about EMBL can be obtained at http://www.embl.org/  and about

15. The position from the Head of Unit Jan Ellenberg (jan.ellenberg@embl.de ).

16. General enquiries may be sent to jobs@embl.de

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