Postdoctoral fellow in Protein crystallography


1. A postdoctoral position of protein X-ray crystallography is open immediately.

2. The successful candidate will work on projects related to DNA damage response and DNA repair mechanism.

3. We will apply cross-discipline methods in our research including X-ray crystallography, mutagenesis, biochemistry, and computational modeling/docking.

4. The applicant must have a Ph.D. degree in life sciences or related disciplines.

5. The successful candidate will have demonstrated record of strong skills in macromolecular X-ray crystallography.

6. Send a CV, list of publications and PDB codes for deposited coordinates, and names of three references to Dr. Li Fan by e-mail at .

7. Contact: Li Fan
Phone number: 9518273630
Fax number: 9518274434

1 Marie-Curie PhD position available at CNR, Firenze, Italy (Initial Training Network NANO-HOST (, funded by the European Commission.
2 Recycle of selective hydrogenation catalysts: non-covalent heterogenization of metal complexes.
3 Early stage researcher Position
4 Expected starting date Sept 1st, 2009
5 Host Consiglio Nazionale delle RicercheIstituto di Chimica dei Complessi Organometallici
6 Location Area della Ricerca di FirenzeVia Madonna del Piano 10 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze) Italy
7 The research and training activity comprises the synthesis and the characterization of homogeneous chemical catalysts and of their heterogenized counterparts. Immobilization onto to silica, ion-exchange resins, polymers, metal organic frameworks is foreseen.
8 The main instrumental techniques will be: NMR, AFM, SEM, GC, GC-Ms, HPLC. Catalysis experiments will be central with focus on recycling, selectivity, mechanistic studies.
9 Supervisor Pierluigi Barbaro
10 Nationality: Member State, Associated Country or any other third country. Italian citizens are excluded.
11 Post-graduate level Fellows who have received a degree that entitles them to embark in a doctorate no later than 4 years before the start date of the present position.
12 Knowledge in the field of organic and metallorganic synthesis, catalysis, chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance.
13 Contacts:
Pierluigi Barbaro
14 e-mail:
15 Phone: 0039 055 5225287
16 Application procedure
Closing date: August 8th, 2009

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