PhD Scholarships In Economics & Business Management,

1. The School offers two doctoral programs: Economics (DEC) and Business Management (DEA). They cooperate and share most activities.
2. There are 5 three-year fellowships available for DEC and another 5 for DEA.
3. Classes start on September 1st, 2009. Most first-year classes are common across the two programs.
4. The general application procedure is similar for the two programs, with minor differences. Please make sure to carefully read the relevant information for the program you wish to apply for: DEA or DEC.
5. Separate applications are required for either program. Simultaneous applications to more than one program are possible.
6. An application must abide by the statute of their respective “Bando” (Official Advert) as published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana. The official version of each Bando is available from the website of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice following the path Offerta Formativa -> Dottorati di Ricerca -> Scuola Superiore di Economia - SSE. (With a bit of luck, this dynamic link should get you there in one click.) Links to the necessary documents are in the grey box on the right-hand column. You can also download a copy of each Bando using the links posted in the admission page of the program you wish to apply for.
7. Brief GUIDELINES ON HOW TO APPLY - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS A:Y 2009/2010. These are guidelines to assist you in making your application to the SSE Doctorate programs 2009 and should be considered as informal information and are in no way legally binding.1- Read official announcement carefully2 – Download attachments A, B & C3 – Read all attachments carefully4 – Compile attachment B (application form)5 - Ensure you have the obligatory documents to include with the application formAttachment B - see list below6 – Where necessary (original foreign qualifications without legal translation) fill out attachment C7 – You should put your application and all attachments in an envelope and put the following phrase on the envelope:Domanda di ammissione alle Scuole di dottorato di ricerca 25° ciclo (A.A. 2009/2010)(Application for admission to Research Doctoral schools 25th cycle – AY 2009/2010)Dottorato di ricerca in(Research doctorate in) [please indicate the doctoral course]
8. Deadline: Ensure that your application arrives by and not after June 23rd, 2009 at 12.30. Applications arriving after this time will not be accepted. ions2009.html

PhD in Life Sciences at Univ of Zurich

1. The Life Science Zurich Graduate School consists of nine highly competitive Ph.D. programs, run jointly by the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. Each program offers research and education opportunities in a stimulating international environment for ambitious students who wish to work towards a Ph.D. degree. Accepted students perform their research project in one of the participating research groups of their favorite program, according to their scientific interest. Advanced teaching and training courses are offered throughout the curriculum. The program language is English throughout. Ph.D. studies usually last 3-4 years.
2. Education: Applicants must hold or anticipate receiving a Master’s degree or equivalent from a university in a relevant field before starting the Ph.D. program. Applicants accepted for the program will have to register with either the University of Zurich or ETH Zurich, depending on the affiliation of their future research group.
1.3. Application: Our web pages provide detailed information for submission of application. Please refer to the guidelines as we only take into consideration applications received in the required format: .
4. Application deadlines are July 1 and December 1
5. Contact details:Dr. Susanna BachmannLife Science Zurich Graduate SchoolUniversity of ZurichInstitute of Molecular BiologyWinterthurerstrasse 1908057 ZurichEmail: gradschool@lifescie . ME032/Internatio nal_PhD_Programs

Bangor University 125th Anniversary Research Scholarships

1. We are pleased to announce the next stage of our major postgraduate expansion campaign, 125th Anniversary Research Scholarships. A huge number of people have responded to our announcement, so we apologise for the slight delay in moving forward.
2. Fifty PhD studentships and bursaries, spread across all six of our Colleges. They are open to Home/EU and International students. Whilst some are targeted at particular research specialisms, there are flexible opportunities in a very wide range of subject areas. Further opportunities will be announced later in the year.
3. The scholarships provide opportunities to the very best students, nationally and internationally, to work with the University’s leading academics and rising international research stars. They also provide opportunities to develop a variety of both academic and transferable skills, which should substantially enhance your career prospects.
4. Successful applicants for the prestigious 125 Studentships receive a maintenance grant and pay no fees. The bursaries provide a lower level of support.

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