Universidad Salamanca POS-DOCTORAL GRANT


1. Applications are being accepted for a Post-Doctoral Grant to work in the European Project “Advanced Magnetic nanoparticles deliver smart Processes and Products for Life”, at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Sciences.

2. University of Salamanca, Spain.

3. Duration: 12 months with the possibility of renewal until the end of theProject (June, 2013).

4. Starting date: Expected to be on October 2009

5. Project description: Development of techniques, procedures and devices(pilot and laboratorial scale) of magnetic separation and classification in order to be able to use specially functionalized magnetic nanoparticles in pharmaceutical and food product applications.

6. Individual Profile: PhD in areas related to the thematic of the project (asfor example: Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Biological Engineering, Chemistry, Materials, Physics, etc.).

7. Documentation to send: detailed Curriculum Vitae, presentation letter,photocopies of academic certificates and passport. It is not necessary to authenticate the photocopies which will be validated against the originals in a later phase of the evaluation process.

8. Criteria for seriation: The candidates will be evaluated according to themerit of their academic and professional curricula. The pre-selected candidates may be called for an individual interview.

9. Reception of Applications: 29th of June until 31st of July of 2009

10. Address for application: The applications should be sent by registered mailor by email to: Prof. Dr. Paulo Aloísio Edmond Reis da Silva AugustoDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Sciences,University of Salamanca.

11. Plaza de los Caídos, 1-5, 37008 Salamanca, SPAINEmail: pauloaugusto@usal.es

12. Only the applications received until the end of the 31st day of July of2009, will be considered for evaluation.

Universidad Salamanca, PhD GRANT

1. Applications are being accepted for a PhD Grant to work in the European Project “Advanced Magnetic nanoparticles deliver smart Processes and Products forLife”, at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Sciences,University of Salamanca, Spain.

2. Duration: 12 months with the possibility of renewal until the end of theProject (June,2013).
3. Starting date: Expected to be on November-December 2009
4. Project description: Development of techniques, procedures and devices(pilot and laboratorial scale) of magnetic separation and classification in order to be able to use specially functionalized magnetic nanoparticles in pharmaceutical and food product applications.
5. Individual Profile: B. Sc. and/ or Master degree in areas related to thethematic of the project (as for example: Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Biological Engineering, Chemistry, Materials, Physics, etc.).
6. Documentation to send: detailed Curriculum Vitae, presentation letter,photocopies of academic certificates and passport. It is not necessary to authenticate the photocopies which will be validated against the originals in a later phase of the evaluation process.
7. Criteria for seriation: The candidates will be evaluated according to themerit of their academic and professional curricula. The pre-selected candidates may be called for an individual interview.
8. Deadline for applications: 29th of June until 31st of July of 2009
9. Address for application: The applications should be sent by registered mailor by email to: Prof. Dr. Paulo Aloísio Edmond Reis da Silva Augusto
10. Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Sciences,University of Salamanca.
11. Plaza de los Caídos, 1-5, 37008 Salamanca, SPAINEmail: pauloaugusto@usal.es
12. Only the applications received until the end of the day 31st of July of2009, will be considered for evaluation.

Independent Research Fellows Recruitment Event 2009


1. The chance to be part of a dynamic, multidisciplinary department (Equal first for “world-leading” output among broad-spectrum Bioscience Departments in the last RAE) Superb research facilities including the innovative Technology Facility, housing more than £8m of state-of-the-art equipment in key technologies visit http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/biol/tf/

2. Opportunities to develop multidisciplinary interactions with colleagues across the biological spectrum, and with other departments with which we have strong links, such as Chemistry, Environment, Mathematics and the Hull York Medical School Mentorship and the opportunity to develop skills and experience of value in academia, industry and beyond A supportive environment. The Department’s values of collegiality, openness and flexibility benefit all its researchers and have just gained us a silver Athena Swan award for our support of women in science
3. An attractive campus environment 2 km from the centre of one of the most beautiful cities in Britain
4. For further information please visit:

Post-doctoral fellowship in “Developmental origin of adipocytes in the neural crest”


1. Obesity has became a major health problem in development countries. The development of fat cells, or adipogenesis, consists in the generation of adipocyte precursors (preadipocytes) from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), followed by terminal differentiation of these preadipocytes in lipid-packed mature adipocytes. While the events controlling preadipocyte differentiation have been largely explored in recent years, surprisingly little is known about the early steps of adipogenesis and the developmental origin of adipose tissues.

2. We have recently provided new information about the origin of adipocytes by demonstrating that, during normal development, a subset of adipocytes in the cranial region of the body is generated by neural crest cells rather than by esodermal progenitors, classically thought to be at the origin of this lineage.

3. Using in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro complementary approaches, we are now interested in understanding whether the differential origin of cranial versus truncal adipocytes also reflect functional differences and site-specific regulations, which could have strong metabolic implications.

4. We are also interested in understanding the molecular pathways underlying neural crest cells induction and differentiation, and in particular how and when the adipocytic lineage segregates in neural crest-derived cells.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Macromolecular Crystallography Membrane Structural and Functional Biology University of Limerick, Ireland


1. The University of Limerick is inviting applications for the post of Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Membrane Structural and Functional Biology Research Group.
2. The major theme within the Group is structure and function of membrane proteins by crystallographic means.
3. Systems under investigation include receptors, transducers, transporters, respiratory complexes, and quorum sensing-related and biofilm forming membrane proteins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
4. Purified protein and in meso-grown crystals of several targets are already in hand.
5. Required:
a. A Ph.D. in macromolecular X-ray crystallography
b. Experience and demonstrated success with macromolecular crystallization
c. Experience and demonstrated mastery of all of the aspects of X-ray
crystal structure determination
d. Experience and demonstrated mastery of the latest crystallographic
e. Recent experience and demonstrated mastery of on-site data collection at
a synchrotron X-ray source
f. Availability and willingness to travel to synchrotrons and collaborators worldwide
g. A commitment to quality and innovative research
6. Desirable:
a. Expertise using and maintaining a home X-ray generator, diffractometer
and cryo-system
b. Expertise maintaining latest crystallographic software
c. Expertise with low-resolution phasing and refinement
d. Expertise with molecular dynamics simulations, electrostatic pKa and redox
potential calculations, comparative modeling methods, and docking simulations
e. Expertise collecting data with mini- or micro-X-ray beams (< 20 um)
f. Expertise with small-angle X-ray scattering
g. Experience over-expressing, purifying and crystallizing proteins, membrane
proteins in particular
7. The candidate should be a highly motivated individual who enjoys working as
part of a collaborative, multidisciplinary team. Strong leadership,
communication and teaching skills are decided assets.
8. Maximum available starting salary 47,606 Euro
9. The closing date for receipt of applications is Wednesday, 15th July
10. Further information for applicants and application material are
available online from: http://www.ul.ie/hrvacancies/

PhD Scholarships at University of Padova


1. The University of Padova, through the funding of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, offers research fellowships for foreign students to attend Doctoral Schools/Internation al Courses. During the 3-year doctoral programme, successful candidates will be offered full board and lodging.

2. Notification of 15 PhD grants for foreign students (25th series)
Deadline: 3rd September 2009

3. Call for applicationInstruction for filling in the application formApplication form
Annex 1 - List of School Curricula
Annex 2 - General terms and conditions for fellowships
Annex 3- Doctoral Schools and related research linesFAQ

4 Studying in PadovaLiving in Padova
5. Research Training OfficeVia del Padovanino,
9 - 35123 Padova
phone +39 049 827 3754/3935
fax +39 049 827 3780
e-mail: formazione.ricerca@unipd.it

Mail address: via 8 febbraio 2 - 35122 Padova

CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Scheme


1. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), an ensemble of 37 state-of-the art institutes, is amongst the foremost scientific and industrial research organizations. Over the years, this unique organization has helped India usher in a scientific milieu, creating and nurturing talent in a wide variety of S&T domains, spawned many organizations, many disciplines and most importantly has served as a nursery and training ground for most of India’s talented scientists and technologists. CSIR annually publishes over 3800 papers in science journals and holds over 3000 patents.

2. “CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Scheme” has been instituted to foster high quality research opportunities to promising fresh PhD holders in the cutting edge areas of Basic Science, Engineering, Medical and Agriculture at CSIR laboratories. Special focus will be for fundamental research in the inter-phase areas of science and technology. CSIR intends to offer one hundred (100) such fellowships every year for working in CSIR laboratories with stateof-art R&D facilities.

3. Eligiblity: Fresh PhDs within one year of doing PhD and also those who have submitted PhD thesis.

4. Though CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship is open to Indian nationals and Persons of Indian Origin, a certain number (upto 20%) of fellowships may be offered to foreign nationals.

5. Tenure: Two years and extendable for maximum one more year based on outstanding performance and recommendation from the Director of the CSIR lab where working. Maximum Age Limit: 32 years , relaxable upto 5 years in case of SC/ST/OBC/Physically handicapped and women candidates, as on last date of application.

6. Remuneration: CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Fellows will be paid a consolidated fellowship of Indian Rs. 35,000/- per month plus House Rent Allowance (HRA) as admissible and a contingency grant of Rs. 3.0 lakh per annum. 25% of the contingency grant can be used for domestic and international travel including per diem expenses.

7. Mode of selection: Selections to the “CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowships” will be made through interview of short listed candidates by specially constituted Committees.

8. Eligible candidates must route their application through the sponsoring CSIR laboratory.

9. Applicants from abroad may also be considered in absentia, if eligible. Selection of foreign nationals will be subjected to clearance by ISTADS, CSIR. Accommodation and other benefits: Accommodation may be provided by CSIR laboratories if available. CSIR rules on leased accommodation are being reviewed in the light of ‘Sixth Pay Commission’ recommendations and will be made applicable as and when approved.

10. CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Fellows will be entitled for Medical benefits as per the CSIR rules for Research Associates.

11. Other relevant information: Candidates who have worked for their PhD from a particular CSIR laboratory will not be eligible for becoming a PDF in the same CSIR laboratory under this scheme.

12. 20% of the fellowship amount will be paid as lump sum at the end of completion of 1st and 2nd year, respectively.

13. All other rules and regulations will be as applicable to CSIR Research Associates (can be seen at www.csirhrdg.res.in).

14. In all matters, the decision of CSIR shall be final.

15. List of CSIR laboratories and their Niche Areas/R&D activities are given in Annexure-III.

16. For more information about CSIR labs, please visit the websites of the individual laboratories. All correspondence pertaining to “CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship” should be addressed to:

Ms Sushila Khilnani,
Scientist-G and Scientist-in-Charge, EMR-I,
Human Resource Development Group,
CSIR Complex, Library Avenue,
Pusa, New Delhi-110012.

Email : skhilnani@csirhrdg.res.in
Tel : 011-25846077

Last date for receiving application: 13th July 2009

Postdoctoral Fellow in biotechnology for the biorefinery


1. Two postdoctoral fellowships in the area biotechnology for the biorefinery are open in the group of Prof. Leif J. Jönsson at the Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, Sweden (http://www.umu.se/ ). www.chemistry.umu.se/english/research/technical-chemistry)

2. Applicants should have a doctoral degree within biotechnology, chemistry, chemical engineering, molecular biology, or an equivalent field, preferably not more than three years old.

3. Desirable qualifications include experience in enzymology, genetic engineering, analytical methods useful in the biorefinery area, and wood chemistry.

4. We encourage applications from both men and women. Information and instructions are available .

5. For further information, please contact prof. Leif J. Jönsson, leif.jonsson@chem.umu.se .

6. The application should be marked with the appropriate reference number. Note that, if you apply for both positions, separate applications are needed.

7. The application should include:
(i) a cover letter summarizing your qualifications and motives for applying,
(ii) a curriculum vitae,
(iii) a publication list,
(iv) transcript of records from higher education,
(v) the names and contacts of 1 to 3 references.
The application should not include separate articles or theses. Your complete application should be sent to jobb@umu.se (state the reference number as subject) or
the Registrar, Umeå University,
SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive 1 July 2009 at the latest.

Postdoctoral Fellow in structural biology


1. Postdoctoral positions in structural biology are available at Dr. Hong Ling's Laboratory in the Department of Biochemistry, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada.
2. For more information regarding the projects, please contact Dr. Hong Ling.
3. Please send a CV and 3 references to Dr. Hong Ling by email at hling4@uwo.ca. For more information, please visit www.biochem.uwo.ca/fac/ling/ling.html

PhD Studentship in Organic Synthesis


1. Highly motivated organic chemists who hold an upper second or first class honours degree in Chemistry.

2. The successful candidate will work under the direct supervision of Dr Rudi Marquez and the project will involve the design and development of new synthetic methodology and its application to natural product synthesis.

3. The position will be based in WestCHEM at the University of Glasgow, UK.
The Department of Chemistry at the University of Glasgow and the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry at the University of Strathclyde form the WestCHEM Research School, which brings together the strengths of the two major chemistry research schools in the West of Scotland.
WestChem offers an outstanding research environment second to none in a large, diverse and expanding chemistry research school.

4. Please e-mail your CV including a brief research summary and the names and contact details of two referees to
Dr. R. Marquez

5. Closing date for applications is the 24th of June 09.

Postdoctoral positions in structural biology

1. The research in our lab is focused on structure-function studies of key proteins in translesion DNA replication and regulation of epigenetic factors. The current projects are built on our group’s previous success in structural determination of translesion proteins (PNAS 104: 14905-14910, 2007; Mol. Microbiol. 71: 678-691, 2009; EMBO J 28: 1644-1654, 2009)

2. The collaboration with other labs to expand the research in the Epigenome (Cell 128: 669-681, 693-705, 2007).

3. For more information regarding the projects, please contact Dr. Hong Ling. The laboratory is fully equipped for molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysical measurements, and X-ray crystallography.

4. We fully access the synchrotron beamlines in APS, CHESS, and NSLS. The University of Western Ontario (UWO) is one of the 12 research-intensive universities that receive operating funds from the Government of Canada. In the 2008 Globe and Mail (Canada's national newspaper) University Survey, UWO ranked No. 1 in student satisfaction and overall quality of education.

5. Candidates should have experience in either Protein Crystallography or Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, with prior publications.

6. Please send a CV and 3 references to Dr. Hong Ling by email at hling4@uwo.ca.
For more information.
Other details: positions are open till filled
Person to contact: Dr. Hong Ling
Email address: hling4@uwo.ca
Phone number: 1 519 661 3557
The University of Western Ontario

Post-Doc in biochemistry, bioengineering and chemistry

1. Two postdoctoral positions are available in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at California State University, Los Angeles.

2. The positions will start as early as August 2009, and will be based in Los Angeles.

3. The selected candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. in biochemistry, biomedical engineering or chemistry with some expertise in biochemical protocols (and specifically, for position one, some background in PCR), nanofabrication, microfluidics and/or instrumentation design.

4. The first position will focus on developing PCR on a novel chip-based platform in collaboration with Parallel Synthesis Technologies, Inc. a California-based company.

5. The second position will focus on the development and use of new materials for microfluidic applications including surface plasmon resonance and binding-assay applications.

6. Excellent oral and written communication skills are required, and presentations and publication of scientific results in peer-reviewed journals are expected. The candidate must have the ability to work in a team and interact effectively with a broad range of colleagues.

7. Demonstrated ability to communicate in English to an international scientific audience is essential.

8. Creativity in research is highly valued. Please send your cover letter and CV (including publication list, prior research experience and contact information of three references) as a single pdf file to fgomez2@calstatela.edu. The search will continue until the position is filled.

Postgraduate Studentships in Chemistry

1. Several fully-funded post-graduate Ph.D. studentships in the Biomolecular Electronics Research Laboratory are available.

2. Preparation, characterization and evaluation of integrated bioelectrocatalytic systems (enzyme-based) for sensor and energy conversion.

3. Bioelectrocatalytic (enzyme and microbial) systems for electricity generation.

4. An honours undergraduate qualification in a scientific or engineering discipline, with a significant training in Chemistry is an essential qualification for applicants.

5. A background in enzyme biochemistry, or microbial ecology is an advantage for intending applicants for topics 1 and 2, respectively.

6. Applicants should submit their CV, detailing relevant experience, a personal statement, outlining reasons for their interest in the post, and the name of three references to:

Dr. Dónal leech
Biomolecular Electronics Research Laboratory
School of ChemistryNational University of Ireland,
Ph: +353 91 493563

Mexican Government scholarships 2010


1. Scholarships are awarded for specialization studies, master’s degrees, doctorates, and medical specialties, postgraduate research and postdoctoral visits, visits for artistic creation and for visiting professors and experts, high-level lecture visits, professional internship programs for visiting professors and postgraduate mobility.

2. This Call for scholarships and grants shall be open from April 22 through August 31, 2009, and online registration of candidatures shall be done from July 15 to August 15, 2009

3. The general conditions of the scholarships offered by the Foreign Ministry through its General Directorate for Academic and Cultural Cooperation are contained in the Rules Applicable to Foreign Grantees of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarships, the text of which can be found at the end of this Call.

4. Scholarships are awarded for specialization studies, master’s degrees, doctorates, and medical specialties, postgraduate research and postdoctoral visits, visits for artistic creation and for visiting professors and experts, high-level lecture visits, professional internship programs for visiting professors and postgraduate mobility.

5. Scholarships are not granted for preparatory courses, distance studies (virtual mobility), supported open learning, or for Direct Doctorates (Master’s and Doctorate integrated programs).

6. The institutions and programs which comprise this Call can be viewed at the following webpage: http://becas.sre.gob.mx/

7. Submit candidature on the corresponding application form (Application Form A or B) within the specified deadline. Both forms are included in this Call.

8. Have the official proposal from the government of the candidate’s country that forms part of Application Form A.

9. Have a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or doctorate, depending on the type of studies for which they are requesting the scholarship or grant.

10. Have a minimum GPA of 8, on a scale of 1 to 10, and in the event of a different scale, they must submit the equivalent.

11. Have the academic acceptance of the receiving Mexican institution.

12. Meet the requirements specified in this Call. Neither incomplete dossiers nor original documents shall be received.

13. Return to their home countries upon termination of the scholarship and remain there for at least a time period similar to the duration of the scholarship in Mexico.

14. For postgraduate- level research scholarships, the candidate must submit the letter of acceptance issued by the Mexican institution with curricular credit acknowledgement.

15. Selection Criteria

a. Academic excellence of the candidate in the area intended to be studied at a Mexican institution.

b. A congruent relationship between candidates’ academic and professional backgrounds and the area in which they wish to specialize in Mexico.

c. Importance of the studies and their direct influence on the development of the candidate’s country.

d. Reintegration of candidates into their countries’ labor market on completion of the scholarship.

e. Connection between the studies and specific projects underway or already approved, as well as their impact on the development of candidates’ countries.

f. A projection of the specific application of the knowledge acquired.

More Details : http://becas.sre.gob.mx/

Post-doc Position in International Business


1. Uppsala University, Sweden, Department of Business Studies Post Doc Research Position in International Business.

2. The Department of Business Studies at Uppsala University invites applications for post doctoral research positions in international business [IB].

3. The position is for 3 years, it offers highly (international) competitive salary and it includes founding for travel and conference attendance. The position will be effective sometimes in Fall 2009.

4. There are no teaching or administrative responsibilities, but some degree of participation in the undergraduate and the doctoral programme can be offered.

5. Candidates must possess a doctoral degree in international business or closely related fields received after January 2006 but no later than July 2009.

6. The successful candidates must demonstrate a strong commitment to scholarly research and publishing.

7. They are also expected to actively engage in research seminars and similar activities at the Department of Business Studies.

8. The International Business Group and the Department of Business Studies (www.fek.uu.se).

9. Uppsala University (www.uu.se); Contact and Application procedure: Interested candidates should send an Email including their Curriculum Vitae, a one page statement of research interests, maximum three copies of key publications, and letters of reference to:
Assistant Professor Francesco Ciabuschi,

Closing Date: 15/06/09

PhD Studentships in Computer Science


1. PhD studentships (six) are available in Computer Science at Swansea University, with funding of up to 12,940 GBP stipend plus fees.

2. UK candidates are eligible to apply for all six studentships.

3. Overseas and EU candidates ARE eligible for some of the studentships.

4. Potential candidates should preferably have a first-class Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a cognate discipline, or an equivalent qualification.

5. To ensure consideration for an award, please apply to the University for admission as a PhD student in Computer Science: http://www.swan.ac.uk/postgraduate/apply/

6. Closing date: 15th June 2009

7. Separate application for an award is NOT required. Candidates should however discuss possible topics with potential supervisors before the end of June.

8. Queries may be addressed to Dr Arnold Beckmann a.beckmann@swansea.ac.uk.

9. Decisions concerning awards are expected by mid-July.

10. For further details of our research, see:

Postdoctoral Positions in Medical Imaging

1. Postdoctoral positions are available in IDEA lab (https://www.med.unc.edu/bric/ideagroup ), UNC-Chapel Hill, NC.

2. Position 1 (One Position on Breast MRI Analysis): The successful candidate will be expected to develop novel enhancement segmentation and classification methods for significantly improving the specificity of dynamic MRI in detecting and diagnosing breast cancer.

3. The successful candidate should have a strong background on Electrical or Biomedical Engineering, or Computer Science, preferably with emphasis on image registration, segmentation, and classification. Experiences on deformable registration, adaptive segmentation (i.e., graph cut), and non-linear classification are highly desirable.

4. Position 2 (One Position on Brain Image Segmentation): The successful candidate should have a strong background on Electrical or Biomedical Engineering, or Computer Science, preferably with emphasis on image analysis, or computer vision.

5. Experience on medical image segmentation and analysis is highly desirable. People with machine learning background are particularly encouraged to apply.

6. Knowledge on neuroscience and programming background (good command of LINUX, C and C++, scripting, and Matlab) are desirable.

7. The research topic will be the development and validation of tissue segmentation and subcortical segmentation methods for brain image analysis.

Postdoc in main group metal catalysis

1. Main group metal catalysis in C-C-bond forming reactions is an area of research that has drawn only little interest in the past, despite its potential ecological and economical benefits. The research in our group focuses on the development of new synthetic methodology applying Calcium complexes.

2. We are currently inviting applications for a postdoctoral researcher.

3. Candidates should have experience in metal organic and synthetic organic chemistry.

4. Good communication skills (English and German), creativity and enthusiasm to help establishing new research areas within our young and emerging workgroup are mandatory.

5. Application letter, CV, and list of publications, preferably by email to:

Meike Niggemann
Email: niggemann@oc.rwth-aachen.de

Closing Date: 30.06.2009

RWTH Aachen,
Institut für Organische Chemie,
Landoltweg 1, 52074 Aachen, Germany

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Postdoctoral position in mechanical engineering


1. Highly motivated Postdoctoral researcher in control theory and applications are encouraged to apply.

2. Good writing skills are required. American green card and citizenship is required.

3. Strong background in control theory and hands-on experience are preferred.

4. Please send a CV to the PI at: ccao@engr.uconn.edu

5. More information: http://www.uconn.edu

Postdoctoral position for Molecular Biologist


1. The postdoctoral position will be that of a Molecular Biologist in EHS's Genes and Environment Laboratory.

2. The incumbent will: Perform molecular genetic studies and develop biomarkers in a fast-paced lab to identify the causes and disease mechanisms of leukemia and lymphoma.

3. Conduct high-throughput genetic analyses, DNA sequencing, isolate and quantify DNA/RNA from biological samples, genotype single nucleotide polymorphisms in large case-control populations, perform gene expression and DNA methylation studies; bioinformatics/data-mining. Culture hematopoietic cells, and perform recombinant DNA procedures.

4. Have the ability to generate research ideas, develop new methods, and troubleshoot analysis problems. Independently develop written reports and draft and/or assist in writing of scientific manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication.

5. Contact:
Luis Alvarado
Email: alvaradol@berkeley.edu

Postdoctoral position


1. Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Position in Mathematical Modeling at the M2NeT Lab, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada.

2. Further information about the position and how to apply can be found at the following website: http://www.m2netlab.wlu.ca/research/2009-2010-openings-m2netlab.html

3. Full consideration will be given to all applications received by July 6, 2009. Informal inquiries are welcome.

4. Contact Professor Roderick Melnik at rmelnik@wlu.ca

5. The position is available from the Fall semester 2009.

PhD in biosensors


1. PhD in Polymer based biosensors with electronic read out techniques.

2. The research is situated in the domain of biosensors, more specifically in the field of molecular recognition between proteins and anti-bodies and between small organic molecules (e.g. histamine) and MIPs (molecular imprinted polymers).

3. Besides reference techniques like ELISA and micro fluorimetry, the focus will be on electronic detection methods (impedance spectroscopy). The purpose is to integrate the sensors in miniaturised polychannel devices and to optimise the systems for use on patient material (e.g. serum).

4. A close collaboration with the IMO-research group ‘Organic and polymeric chemistry’, the UHasselt Biomedical Research Institute and the NUTRIM institute of Maastricht University is essential in within this interdisciplinary project.

5. Master degree (or equivalent) in either physics, chemistry, engineering, materials science, biomedical sciences (bio-electronics & nanotechnology).

6. Knowledge in on of the subjects mentioned in the job description is of advantage. Students in their last year of their master program are also invited to apply.

7. The appointment has a duration of 2×2 years (assessment after 2 years).

Prof. dr. Patrick Wagner (IMO), +32 - 11 - 26 88 95, Patrick.Wagner@uhasselt.be
Prof. dr. Thomas Cleij (IMO), +32 - 11 - 26 83 10, Thomas.Cleij@uhasselt.be
Prof. dr. Marc D‘Olieslaeger, (IMO), +32 - 11 - 26 88 15, Marc.Dolieslaeger@uhasselt.be
Applicants must use the official application forms
which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03

or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Friday, July 3 2009.

Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt.be .

Postdoctoral position in analytical chemistry


1. A one-year postdoctoral position is available under the supervision of Professor Frank A. Gomez in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at California State University, Los Angeles.

2. The position will start as early as summer 2009, and it will be based in Los Angeles. The selected candidate is expected to have expertise in nanofabrication, microfluidics and instrumentation design to develop PCR on a novel chip-based platform in collaboration with Parallel Synthesis Technologies, Inc. a California-based company.

3. Excellent oral and written communication skills are required, and presentations and publication of scientific results in peer-reviewed journals are expected.

4. The candidate must have the ability to work in a team and interact effectively with a broad range of colleagues. Demonstrated ability to communicate in English to an international scientific audience is essential.

5. Please send your cover letter and CV (including publication list, prior research experience and contact information of three references) as a single pdf file to fgomez2@calstatela.edu . The search will continue until the position is filled.

Post-Doc position in Computational Structural Biology


2. The successful candidate will use computational tools to tackle problems in the area of protein folding, structure prediction, crystallographic phasing or drug design.

3. This position requires a PhD in biophysics, biochemistry, chemistry, bioinformatics or structural biology with experience in employing computational tools to solve biological or chemical problems.

4. Experience in protein folding, protein structure prediction, protein structure analysis, protein crystallography or structure-based drug design are highly desired.

5. Please submit: CV, 3
References Person to contact:
Kam Zhang, Ph.D
Surface mail address:
Zhang Initiative Research Unit, Advanced Science Institute, RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research), 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan

Email address: zhang-unit@riken.jp
Phone number: +81-48-467-8792
Fax number: +81-48-467-8790

Post doctoral position in chemistry/ Biochemistry


1. Our research interests are in the area of non-aqueous biocatalysis. Specifically, we study the effect of organic solvents on the stability and catalytic properties of a class of enzymes known as serine proteases and lipases.

2. This area of study is health relevant because it enables the use of enzymes for the synthesis of chiral drugs and drugs precursors.

3. Several different spectroscopic techniques are used (H/D exchange by NMR and FTIR, EPR, FRET, Fluorescence anisotropy decay, and 19F NMR). Recently, we also began to explore methods to stabilize and to enhance the cell transfection of siRNAs. SiRNAs are small (about 20 bases) double stranded RNA fragments that have been recently discovered to be very effective gene regulators. This new project involves working with mammalian cells, chemically modifying siRNA and synthesizing a variety of cationic polymers to stabilize and transfect the siRNAs.

4. The position being advertised is for an individual with a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry.

5. Expertise in NMR and spectroscopic methods is desirable, as well as in chemical kinetics.

PhD position in Supramolecular Organic Chemistry

1. PhD positions are available in the laboratory of Prof. Davide Bonifazi at the University of Namur (FUNDP), Department of Chemistry, Belgium.

2. The Bonifazi\'s group is specialized in the creation of functional molecular architectures characterized by ambitious targeted organic synthesis (e.g., porphyrin chemistry and functionalization of carbon nanostructures), self-assembly of hybrid architectures on surfaces, physical-organic studies, and material-based design.

3. Applicants must be European citizens and must hold a BSc degree in Chemistry and a MSc degree in Organic Chemistry (or one year of experience in research in the field of organic synthesis) by the time of the appointment.

4. Very good spoken and written English is also mandatory. Applicants should email a cover letter, a CV, a short summary of the research accomplishments, and names of two references to Ms. Julie Henry (E-mail: julie.henry@ulg.ac.be ).

5. Review of applications will begin immediately after application deadline. Closing date: 06/30/09.

6. Indicative appointment date: September-October 2009.

Postdoctoral position


1. Candidates for a postdoctoral position at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, Madrid-Spain.

2. The position requires a highly motivated science graduated student (physics, computer science, engineer, etc), who wants to work in the new area of image processing for X-ray microscopy applied to structural biology. X-ray microscopy combines the magnifying power of optical microscopy with the penetrating power of x-rays, to generate highly detailed images of very small features, including their internal structure.

3. The successful candidate will join the Biocomputing Unit at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (http://bioweb.cnb.uam.es ). This is a very active group with an excellent publication record (http://biocomp.cnb.uam.es/cgi-bin/publications_list.py ) and located in a leading Spanish Research Institution.

4. Postdoctoral position in the form of a contract associated to the project (a work permit is required for non-EU citizens) - Salary level in accordance to standard research fellowships - Active and stimulating academic environment

5. Ample room for interaction with both academia and industry research teams Candidates should contact Dr.José Maria Carazo (carazo@cnb.uam.es ) by email before July 15th.

Post-doctoral Researcher in Biomedical Sciences

1. Post-doctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Professors E. Sally Ward and Raimund J. Ober at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

2. Projects will involve the development and/or implementation of state-of-the-art methods in fluorescence imaging to study the intracellular trafficking of antibodies and the Fc receptor, FcRn.

3. These studies have direct relevance to the rapidly expanding use of antibodies in the biopharma industry as therapeutics in autoimmunity, infectious diseases and cancer.

4. UT Southwestern is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

E. Sally Ward


PhD studentship in Computational Investigation of Drug Resistant Mutations in the Kinases

1. Kinase proteins are intimately involved in cell signalling, and in many cases mutations to these proteins are involved in the development of cancers.

2. This studentship is funded by the EPSRC and AstraZeneca (AZ), and will be supported by direct access to relevant experimental data available through AZ. The project will be supervised by Prof Jonathan Essex at the University of Southampton, together with a senior scientist from AZ. You will be joining an established research team working in the area of applying and developing computer simulation methods to biological problems.

3. Applicants should have, or expect to receive shortly, a good degree in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, or a relevant discipline, and a keen interest in molecular modelling. Please contact Dr Richard A Ward (richard.a.ward@astrazeneca.com ) for enquiries related to this project and for further information regarding the nature of this industrially- sponsored studentship.

4. Academic Supervisor:

Professor Jonathan W. Essex, School of Chemistry, University of Southampton.
Industrial Supervisor:
Dr Richard A Ward,
AstraZeneca, Alderley Park,
36 Month PhD Studentship

Research fellowship by Hewlett Packard for MSc by Research in computer science

1. Cranfield University is seeking a highly motivated graduate to undertake this exciting collaborative research project supported by Hewlett Packard.

2. Evolutionary computing, an optimisation and search method based on the principles of natural evolution, has established itself as a technique that promotes innovation by exploring beyond what human designers can perceive. The aim of this project is to develop high performance computing (HPC) based evolutionary computing methodologies for dealing with high-dimensional optimisation problems (Technical Schools Research Students Training Programme).

3. The successful candidate will attend Cranfield University’s ‘Technical Schools Research Students Training Programme’ which is designed to equip students with research skills required during their research studies and in their future careers. This programme consists of a series of ‘one-day events’, coupled with smaller interactive group sessions.


PhD Studentship in the Computational Investigation of Drug Resistant Mutations


1. PhD Studentship in the Computational Investigation of Drug Resistant Mutations (the Kinases School of Chemistry, University of Southampton).

2. 36 Month PhD Studentship Kinase proteins are intimately involved in cell signalling, and in many cases mutations to these proteins are involved in the development of cancers.

3. Applicants should have, or expect to receive shortly, a good degree in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, or a relevant discipline, and a keen interest in molecular modelling.

4. Please contact Dr Richard A Ward (richard.a.ward@astrazeneca.com ) for enquiries related to this project and for further information regarding the nature of this industrially- sponsored studentship.

Research Fellow in Information Technology


1. The University of Stavanger invites applications for a three-year (ev four-year) doctorate scholarship in Information Technology at the Faculty of Science and Technology in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, beginning August 1, 2009.

2. There are three positions available, and each position should be tied to one of the following projects:

a. Identification of perfect adaptation sites in biochemical reaction kinetic networks from a control theoretic point of view. The applicant should have a masters degree in cybernetics. Contact: Associate professor Tormod Drengstig, tlf 51832025, mobile +4793885533, e-mail: tormod.drengstig@uis.no .

b. Model based software development. Model integration. The applicant should have a masters degree in computer science. Contact: Associate professor Kåre Auglænd, tlf 51832020, e-mail: kare.auglaend@uis.no .

c. Measuring stress under simulation. The applicant should have a masters degree in signal processing. Contact: Associate professor Arne Rettedal, tlf 51832041, e-mail: arne.rettedal@uis.no .

d. Developing signal processing methods to identify gene regulatory networks from microarray time series. The applicant should have a masters degree in signal processing. Contact: Professor Sven Ole Aase, tlf 51832009, e-mail: sven.o.aase@uis.no .

PhD Program in Cognitive and Brain Sciences


1. The CIMeC-Center for Mind/Brain Sciences at the University of Trento is accepting applications for a 3-year PhD Program in Cognitive and Brain Sciences.

2. The program seeks to provide students with high level skills in basic andapplied research in cognitive neuroscience, and will encourage them to pursueinnovative research projects that require expertise in multiple areas.

3. The program has two main areas within which research can be conducted using behavioural, neuroimaging and computational methods:
a. Cognitive Neuroscience

b. Language, Interaction & Computation.

2. Closing Date: July 10th, 2009 and courses officially commence November 1st, 2009.

Contact Information:Leah MercantiUniversità degli Studi di TrentoCenter for Mind/Brain Sciences
Palazzo Fedrigotti,
Corso Bettini
3138068, Rovereto (TN) - ITALY
Tel +39 0464 808617
Fax +39 0464 808690

Hispanic Languages


1. As part of a USA National Science Foundation project on clitics, we are looking for linguistics students interested in doing field work in Gascony (France) this summer to conduct linguistic field work on clitics with native speakers of Gascon.

2. Qualifications: must know French, with Knowledge of Gascon preferred . We will pay expenses of trip around the area plus honorarium to be determined byexperience and time spent.

3. Please contact via e-mail (see contact information below).

4. Closing date: 10-Jun-2009

5. Contact:
Francisco Ordonez
Department of Hispanic Languages
Stony Brook NY 11794 USA

PhD and Masters scholarship


1. A number of fully funded PhD and Masters studentships for students outside Mexico are available within the Joint Postgraduate Program in Mathematical Science of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Campus Morelia, and the Michoacan University of San Nicolas of Hidalgo (UNAM-UMSNH) , Morelia, Mexico.

2. The PhD studentships are tenable for up to 3 years and have a stipend of 9,466.00 Mexican Pesos per month (714 US Dollars, equivalent to six Mexican minimum wages). The Masters studentships are tenable for up to 2 years and have a stipend of 7,100.00 Mexican Pesos per month (535 US Dollars, equivalent to four and a half Mexican minimum wages).

3. Health coverage will be provided by the Mexican social security system.Applicants should have or expect to gain a university degree in Mathematics or related discipline with an average of 8 in a scale from 0 to 10. Non-Spanishspeakers are expected to become proficient in Spanish within two years.

4. The preferred starting date is 17th August 2009.

5. Deadlines for applications is 6th June 2009. Applications received after the deadline will be considered for the Spring 2010 semester.

6. The entrance exam is scheduled for 13th June2009. Foreign students should arrange for a faculty member to supervise theexam at their home institution. A complete application includes a covering letter addressed to the Comité Académico del Posgrado en Matemáticas specifying contact details, CV, copies of university degrees, a copy of an identity document (passport, driving licence, etc), and contact details of two academic referees.

7. Applications should be send electronically to posmat@ifm.umich.mx .

8. For further details visit: http://posgrado.unam.umich.mx/

9. Application forms can be found here:

10. For informal enquiries, please contact
Dr. Elmar Wagner,
phone: +52 443 322 3500, ext. 4127,

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